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March 29, 2025

Gov Rauner signs Bill allowing removal of appointed Water District Trustees –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 7, 2018


Today, Governor Rauner signed HB4253: “Water District – Trustee Removal

“An appointing authority may remove a public water district trustee it appointed for misconduct, official misconduct, or neglect of office.”

This should really be coined the “Fosterburg Water District Amendment” or the “FWD Bill” because it was the bad actions of this Water District which prompted Legislators to sponsor and pass this Bill. Read about them (here).

Trustees of the Fosterburg Water District had, in the recent past, taken Super Bowl weekend vacations (with spouses) to St. Louis, Missouri and charged hotels rooms, catered food, alcohol, a separate party room, and other items to the taxpayers of the Water District. They purchased, on the backs of taxpayers, funeral flowers and food for funeral dinners of deceased family members. They participated in prohibited interests in contracts, and much more…

A common sense Bill which passed unanimously in both the House (107-000-000) and Senate (51-00-00).

It was sponsored by State Representative Brad Halbrook, and State Senators Andy Manar and Chapin Rose.

(Cover photo shamelessly ripped and cropped from the Gov’s state webpage – photo not of the actual signing)

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  • jannie
    Posted at 07:24h, 08 August

    I’m surprised there wasn’t already something in place also, to remove for misconduct.

  • Sandra Gray
    Posted at 19:44h, 07 August

    Maybe this will be a wakeup call for other water districts, etc. that we the taxpayers will not continue to pay for their parties and unnecessary expenses. This bill needs to be expanded to cover other county district committees.

  • Dave
    Posted at 19:40h, 07 August

    I’m shocked there wasn’t already a mechanism in place
