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March 28, 2025

Barry Wolfe, former AAU girls basketball coach pleads guilty to sexual abuse of minors –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 26, 2018


Defendant Barry Wolfe appeared in Coles County Court today for a hearing and entered a Guilty Plea to 4 counts of sexual abuse of a minor.

He plead guilty to the following:

  • 2017CF420, Count 9 – Criminal Sexual Assault / force, Class 1 Felony
  • 2017CF420, Count 10 – Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse, victim 13<18, position of trust, Class 2 Felony
  • 2017CF433, Count 31 – Criminal Sexual Assault, supervision, victim 13-17, Class 1 Felony
  • 2017CF433, Count 35 – Criminal Sexual Assault, supervision, victim 13-17, Class 1 Felony

Bond was revoked, defendant will be held in custody.

Sentencing is scheduled for August 10, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the Coles County Courthouse. Remaining Counts will be dismissed at sentencing.

He faces a sentence of between 16 and 60 years in prison.

Previous articles on Barry Wolfe (here).

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  • Crusty
    Posted at 18:43h, 27 June

    This is really a good ending. None of the girls is going to have to testify in Court now and relive that experience. There is no risk now that somebody might screw up and not get a conviction at trial. Best of all, he will be in prison for a long time. Anybody want to take an over/under? My guess is 32 years. I doubt he will see the light of day again.

  • Hon. Roy Bean
    Posted at 15:37h, 27 June

    I am by no means advocating for it, nor do I support the idea, but it would not have surprised me – had Wolfe been released on bond – that an enraged Dad of one of Wolfe’s victims might have killed Wolfe. I missed the part of the news story – until today – that indicated Wolfe founded the same girls basketball league from which he chose his victims. That fact could easily lead one to form the opinion that Wolfe’s motivations for founding said league might have been to provide himself a pool of potential victims – along with easy access and “grooming” opportunities. Regardless – even 60 years isn’t enough time for this guy. He should never again see the light of day. I suspect – and hope – his age will ensure that never happens.
