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March 28, 2025

James Bohnsack resigned from Rock Island Airport Authority –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 3, 2018

Rock Island Co., IL. (ECWd) –

James Bohnsack decided to resign from the Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County (Quad Cities Airport) after we wrote several articles about his alleged disqualification from that office.

  • did not live within the taxing boundaries of the airport authority
  • statutory conflict of interest as chairman of a Fire Protection District

The QCTimes reported this resignation two days after the QCOnline article referencing a second complaint I filed against his sitting as an airport commissioner.

The Rock Island County Board Chairman is still in denial, according to the QCTimes article. We doubt County Board Chairman “Moose” Maranda has even read the Airport Authorities Act, or he is simply trying to save face on his ineligible appointment.

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1 Comment
  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 21:26h, 03 May

    Congratulations to the Edgar County Watchdogs for shining light on those breaking Illinois Law. Why James didn’t resign when he first learned of…well, that is, if he didn’t already know…..that he was violating Illinois Law, is a mystery. I guess….
    Events like this trigger more questions like, where was the Illinois Division of Aeronautics? Intermodal project implementation? IDOT’s chief Counsel’s office? The Secretary of Transportation? Our Governor Rauner? And by the way…where is the FAA?

    This is more proof that Illinois government is rotten particularly when it comes to Aviation. It doesn’t follow Illinois Law nor does it expect others to do so. It cannot police itself or provide oversight for those in it’s programs. It’s spending tax payer funds from our bankrupt, local, state, and federal governments like it’s free water and doing this based on votes of boards that stand in violation of Illinois Law.

    These players…haven’t the slightest notion, about the aviation laws they are breaking all at a time when they are supposed to be the “experts”, our friends; and with our best interests at heart.

    James, a special thanks to you for leaving…….what took you so long?
