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March 28, 2025

Douglas County contracts Assessment Consultant in violation of state law –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 11, 2018

Douglas Co., IL. (ECWd)

According to the Tuscola Journal, Douglas County has contracted with Stan Jenkins to “give advice” to the Supervisor of Assessment’s Office for $50 per hour plus mileage.

The Problem:

The County Board does not have the statutory authority to contract for anyone to work with the Supervisor of Assessment, or the office of Supervisor of Assessments.

The Supervisor of Assessment may “appoint” deputies and clerk, with the advice and consent of the county board who shall set their compensation.

35 ILCS 200/3-40 –  Each supervisor of assessments may, with the advice and consent of the county board, appoint necessary deputies and clerks, their compensation to be fixed by the county board and paid by the county.”

The Supervisor of Assessments cannot contract.  What makes the county board think they can contract on behalf of the Supervisor of Assessments?

Think about this: The county contracted with someone to make sure they can take more of your tax money away from you.

We hope the Douglas County State’s Attorney takes a look a this and puts a stop to it, because it violates state law.

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1 Comment
  • Ed Luth
    Posted at 19:50h, 12 June

    Im in Douglas and was curious if this was the same Stan Jenkins who resigned as the Champaign county supervisor of assesments over credit card misuse allegations? Thanks
