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March 13, 2025

Rev. Dr. Eric Hansen disqualified as Springfield Airport Authority Commissioner –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 23, 2018


Rev. Dr. Eric Hansen

Just like his fellow board member Frank Vala, it is our belief that Mr. Eric Hansen is statutorily disqualified from serving as Commissioner of the Springfield Airport Authority.

Section 5 of the Airport Authorities Act specifically prohibits appointments to the Authority of any person who is a member of the governing body, or an officer or employee of a municipality, a county, or any other unit of local government.

Eric Hansen has been a commissioner on the Airport Authority at least since 2012, he has also been a Commissioner on the Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission since at least 2012 – according to the online Statements of Economic Interest.

He filed his 2018 Statement of Economic Interest for both positions. The SSCRPC is part of Sangamon County government – that position disqualifies him to serve as commissioner of the airport authority.

We have filed a complaint with IDOT’s Chief Counsel and with IDOT’s Acting Director of the Division of Aeronautics asking that IDOT issue a letter to the Springfield Airport Authority,  that the authority notify its Commissioner of his alleged disqualification, and that the authority schedule a public hearing for him to show cause why he should not be removed from office.

It is entirely possible that Mr. Hansen did not know of this alleged disqualification, and if that is what is claimed, it will be the same issue we have witnessed time and time again: public officials never actually reading the statute they are supposed to be following.

We suggest he immediately resign from the authority and let another person, not disqualified, be appointed in his place.

Our work is funded entirely thru donations and we
ask that you consider donating at the below link.


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  • Pete Marwick
    Posted at 08:18h, 24 April

    What is the point of Statement of Economic Interest if no one at any of the governments is reading them? What does the county clerk do with these?

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 22:03h, 23 April

    Illinois citizens trust public officials: elected, appointed and employed. We assume they are honest, hardworking and completely educated in their career path (just as we are). We would like to believe; if an honest mistake is made, those involved will rectify it immediately.

    At the same time we cannot understand why Illinois is so hopelessly in debt. Hopelessly. Then, then, we see situations like this. Two officials sitting on a board in violation of Illinois Law, with one already called out for his lawlessness weeks ago while the other remains silent.

    Taxpayers would like to believe; public officials along with the associated attorneys, and laypersons…would insure compliance with Illinois Law. Unfortunately what we’re learning time and again is, this is not always the case. There are bad guys too: exceptionally fond of their government paychecks, benefits, and the power they have to help themselves or their friends.

    In Frank Vala’s case, (Rauner’s man), he is no longer qualified to sit on this board. Dr. Eric Hansen at least, according to Illinois Law and facts that have now been revealed also needs to resign.

    Lets hope, both gentlemen demonstrate that an honest mistake has been made as well as their honorable intentions; by resigning at the opening of tomorrow night’s meeting. Anything less than that would certainly undermine the taxpayers trust in the Springfield Airport Authority and put wheels in motion to remove them. ….
