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March 31, 2025

Clark-Edgar Rural Water District increased rates by 2 percent, will consider rate study –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 17, 2018


The Clark-Edgar Rural Water District, during its April 2018 board meeting and briefly discussed water rates.

During public comment, I urged them to charge new [service area] customers a rate commensurate with the cost of providing them with water service, instead of saddling the entire district with higher rates to cover running new water mains in new townships, which has been the past practice. The statute allows for differential rates for that purpose and I asked them to consider it.

Additionally, I asked the board to seek legal advice on trustee pay, since the Water District Act only discusses compensation for “appointed” trustees and never discusses compensation for elected trustees. CERWD Trustees are elected, thanks to a referendum several years ago.

CERWD decided to allow the annual 2% rate increase and stated they will consider conducting a rate study in the future.  A proper rate study would provide factual data to use in setting the customer rates. The Board was unsure if a rate study has ever been conducted. Without that study, rates are a guessing game.

They tabled discussion on pay increase for trustees pending opinion from their attorney on elected trustee salary.

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