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March 3, 2025

Meet “Susan” the “Anonymous” Letter Writer from Watson, IL. –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 18, 2018


Our final Sunshine Week article is all about shining the light on another “anonymous” letter writer who has obviously fallen off her rocker.

We know who she is and will deal with this thru the appropriate channels.

Several years ago there was a person that contacted us with “tips” on a specific event in Effingham County that we could never verify. We did not write about it since we could not verify it.

This person apparently became offended that we ignored her information and set out to send “anonymous” letters to people we have run across in our local government accountability work.

We have never read such outrageously false, paranoid, whack-job comments and comical conspiracy theories.

Here are a few things in her crazy mind…just for you to laugh at:

  • the Masons are behind it
  • we started in 2007
  • we work “from the Ohio river to the Wisconsin border”
  • we have hackers working for us, oh, and an IT guy
  • she worked with an attorney from Chicago
  • we use proxy servers and evasive tricks
  • we hacked an attorney’s office computers
  • we dumped somebody in a 3-day blizzard in Shawnee National Forest
  • we delete articles from our website
  • somebody was probably murdered
  • Eastern Star, disgusting rednecks
  • we are amazing hackers and go to hacker conventions in Las Vegas
  • we use “StingRays” and other tech tools
  • we drink and compare notes with the FBI and other government agencies
  • we plant cookie trackers
  • we take over people’s smartphones with Stingrays
  • we sue everybody for $12 million dollars
  • we formed a HUGE “Shadow Government” and it is enormously successful
  • her uncle was a Mason and was sent to the USSR to help them
  • she met with John Wayne Gacy
  • she has an AR15 by her kitchen door
  • we planted a keystroke thingy on her computer

Thanks for the laughs Susan (“SCF”).


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  • Dr. Freud
    Posted at 14:42h, 21 March

    Susan, honey, you don’t worry about a thing. Just come over here and have a seat. We’ll get you a cup of tea to sip, and we’ll find you another jig-saw puzzle to work on. While you wait, why don’t you slip on this nice white jacket. It’s a little bit tight, and it has some belts and buckles, but it should work juuust fine. ORDERLY ! 5cc’s of Librium, STAT ! !

  • Jan Mills
    Posted at 15:31h, 19 March

    You and Kirk Allen are bigger clowns than even I believed.
    “O what a tangelos web we weave …

    JanPaytonBurno Mills
    Lansing Illinois

  • A. Lincoln
    Posted at 19:46h, 18 March

    That’s a very impressive list; from all those Stingrays you deploy to “she worked with an attorney from Chicago” (could anything more repugnant be said of anyone?).

    Still, pretty hard to beat an original thinker like Roxana Agler, highlighted here:

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 22:06h, 18 March

      LOL – that is a classic title…

    • Jan Mills
      Posted at 15:41h, 19 March

      Not that it makes a difference …O’ what a tangled web we weave…

      Patience is a virtue

      Truth stands on it’s own feet and will always catch up to individuals who twist it to further their selfish agenda.

  • Friedemann Gilde
    Posted at 19:11h, 18 March

    you are NSA quality geniuses

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 19:13h, 18 March

