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March 28, 2025

Did Elizabeth Dalton, Madison County Board, lie under Oath to remain on ballot?

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 16, 2018


Liz Dalton filed her petitions to be on the ballot for a seat Madison County Board, for the primary election which will be held next week, March 20, 2018.

Mr. Harold Lee Watham Jr., filed a petition objection against her nomination papers for her failing to have them properly fastened when they were turned in to the Madison County Clerk.

The other issue was that he requested a video of the candidate submitting her election packet to the county clerk be subpoenaed from the Sheriff’s Office since they had denied his access to it thru the FOIA process. This denial was appealed to the Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor’s Office and the PAC found that Madison County Sheriff’s Department improperly withheld the video from the FOIA requester. The PAC directed its release.

Elizabeth Dalton is currently a Madison County Board Member and is seeking reelection, below is a snippit of her info from the Madison County Board webpage:

According to the Electoral Board transcripts (here), Mrs. Dalton stated under Oath, that:

  • the signature pages were stapled and other pages attached when she turned them in to the Clerk
  • the Clerk took them [the papers] apart (removed the fastening staples, etc)
  • they were stapled in the upper left-hand corner when she turned them in
  • the Clerk took them apart
  • they were stapled when she brought them into the building
  • after the pages were notarized, someone, presumably from the Clerk’s office, stapled them

What we observed in the video, was nothing close to what Dalton described under Oath. Even if, all of the arguments of how the packet was given to the Clerk were set aside, and based on the testimony without looking at the video, we believe they were not valid because either 1) an incomplete packet without notarized sheets was turned in to the Clerk, or, 2) the completed and notarized packet was turned in to the clerk but was not fastened at all (Dalton admitted she never fastened them prior to leaving the office).

Watch the video below, and judge for yourself, if what Ms. Dalton testified to under Oath was a truthful representation of how her election packet was presented to the Madison County Clerk.

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1 Comment
  • bob judd
    Posted at 21:07h, 16 March

    Did not look stapled to me… Lot of loose papers.. Why do Trustees feel the need to lie? I find it disgusting for elected people to flat out lie about their actions.. Truthful mistakes can be forgiven.. Lies are a different game that I can not forgive them for….
