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March 28, 2025

Jasper County Schools responded to the Attorney General –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 20, 2018


Below you will find the Jasper County School District’s response to the Illinois Attorney General’s inquiry into my allegations of an improper closed session of the board on December 18, 2017.

It was quite an entertaining read, and I responded in writing using the same “fashion and tone” in which their response was written.

No further comment required, except that you should read the District’s response prior to reading mine.

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1 Comment
  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 21:04h, 21 January

    Does anyone in Jasper County really think the behavior of their School Board and it’s members speaks well for them? The can’t tell the truth, they bully their members (keeping public documents from them), they lie to law enforcement to gain strong arm support, they disparage the innocent…and then get caught doing all of this on camera. Who would really want their child to attend a school governed by these clowns?
    Topping off this example; they recklessly spend (waste) school education dollars for a “Chicago Attorney” to defend their “board secrets” from a duly elected board member that is entitled. And, they are to assist in responding to Freedom of Information requests at Chicago attorney rates.
    Wow, FOIA, a routine matter for all public bodies; one that insures government transparency now requires big money “Chicago Attorneys” for the protection of sitting board members. Hu…
