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March 28, 2025

Coles County Chairman’s letter proves lies and law breaking!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On January 2, 2018

Coles Co. (ECWd) –

The ongoing property tax assessment issues in Coles County appear to be only getting worse.

At the 6:48 mark of the newscast video below, which we posted in April 2017 in this article, the State’s Attorney claimed that Bob Becker was not hired by the County Board but rather hired by the Assessor. As the conversation continued, the two-step shuffle was evident as it related to the employment status of Bob Becker.

Note that this meeting was in April of 2017.  

Go back in time to December 20, 2016, and read County Board Chairman Stan Metzger’s letter to his legislators for Coles County found at this link or can be read below.

Coles County recently entered into a contract with an independent appraiser to update the assessment evaluations of commercial, industrial and multi-unit properties.”

So who is lying, the State’s Attorney who told the public he was hired by the Supervisor of Assessments as an employee, or the County Board Chairman in his letter to the legislators? Considering Becker has been invoicing for his services, it is clear he is NOT an employee so the State’s Attorney is on the hook on this one as well as all those who bought off on the deception and became a party to it after it was exposed. They should all resign.

Proof of violating property tax laws also disclosed in the letter.

“The Illinois Property Tax Cycle, a general guide to the local property tax cycle, states on pages 16 and 17 “All assessment levels must be uniform.”

Coles County is being sued because those very assessments of shared services are not uniform and the County has already admitted to it in their letter!

“We are asking that you research and introduce legislation to change this law to make assessments uniform throughout the county.”

The Chairman is seeking a change in the law, however, that is not what has made the assessments not uniform.  What made them not uniform was the Supervisor of Assessment’s quadrennial assessment districts.  When they chose to divide the county into four parts as the law permits, they were obligated to ensure such a division does not create a situation where assessments would not be uniform.

In short, follow the laws we have!

The County is snared by the Chairman’s letter and proves the person contracted to do the assessments is not a County employee and the State’s Attorney was incorrect with his claim otherwise.  It also proves they know assessments are not uniform by their attempt to have a law changed which they think will make them uniform. We contend all the work Mr. Becker has done is null and void as the County had no legal authority to hire him to do the Supervisor of Assessment’s job.  Full details on that matter are found in this article.

Proverbs 6:2 – “You are snared by the words of your mouth; You are taken by the words of your mouth”

letter to legislators


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