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October 19, 2024

Atlanta Library District missing $10,000 from Palms Grill Cafe –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 1, 2018


According to a report issued by, the Atlanta Public Library District’s “Palms Grill” has a shortage of at least $9886.18 between April of 2016 and August of 2017. The shortage appears to be the difference between sales/receipts and actual bank deposits.

Only one month, July of 2016, did not reflect missing cash in this study.

This is the same Library District, that when they proposed and adopted their Budget and Appropriations Ordinance for FY 2017/2018, they failed to include any budget or appropriation for the Palms Grill – which means they cannot spend any funds on the Palms Grill without being in violation of their own Ordinance.

The Library, at the time, tried justifying it saying the Grill was not part of the Library and did not use any “tax funds” – but reality is that the Grill is part of the District and must be included in its Budget and Appropriations Ordinance, regardless of which funds it is using because all of its funds are public funds and must be accounted for.

Read the article (here).


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  • Gomers Piles
    Posted at 23:11h, 01 January

    How are the health inspections?

    They are inspected regularly?

    Aren’t they?

  • Roger
    Posted at 16:55h, 01 January
  • Jannie
    Posted at 09:49h, 01 January

    I can understand cash register total & actual cash receipts being a few $ difference once in a while due to perhaps human err in making change. But these numbers shown don’t make any sense.
    I have heard of a “Friends of Library” selling coffee in their book store – that raises money (not much) which they give to the library – most of the money is made through the sale of the used books. Coffee just keeps people there longer.

    This whole restaurant business seems really strange – I don’t understand why the Atlanta Library Board doesn’t clean up the mess.

  • Joe
    Posted at 07:45h, 01 January

    Find out who was on vacation in July and there is your culprit. -as a side note, I have never heard of a library running a restaurant

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 07:48h, 01 January

      We haven’t heard of one running a restaurant either, but this library thinks they are special and thinks state laws don’t apply to them.
