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October 19, 2024

Paris resident Kami Miller sentenced in Federal Court today –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 15, 2017


A long 5+ year battle has finally ended today with the sentencing of Kami Miller in Federal Court.

Kami Miller and her daughter-in-law, Ashley Miller both entered a guilty plea to Felonies earlier this year to federal crimes against the former Paris, Illinois based East Central Illinois Mass Transit District. The ECIMTD was run into the ground so far it had to be dissolved.

According to the abbreviated text notes, Federal Judge Colin Stirling Bruce sentenced Kami Miller to:

  • 3 years probation
  • Restitution in the amount of $20,489.67
  • Special Assessment of $100

We will update this when the full sentencing sheet becomes available.

Her sentencing commentary, as filed by her attorney, can be reviewed (here).  Of interest in her attorney’s commentary is the fact he failed to mention she sued the auditors for defamation for reporting the truth, and the fact truck-loads of items were recovered from her residence.  Rather convenient to leave that information out all while claiming she took responsibility for her actions.  Yes, she did, but well after her back was against a wall from all indications.

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  • Don't call me Francis
    Posted at 19:00h, 20 December

    Coincidence that the name “Miller” shows up so often on the wrong side of the law?

  • bhl61
    Posted at 14:30h, 16 December

    That big a thief???? If one had had access to the FACTS, they would know that the only thing this “thief” pled guilty to, not found guilty of, was $20,000+ that the documentation for mysteriously was “lost”by the financial person and the board. Yes, she paid it back. There is so much people don’t know. Read the sentensing comments from the link in the article above.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 14:35h, 16 December

      For the record, those are not “sentencing comments” but rather a narrative the defense attorney wanted the Judge to read in order to obtain a lighter sentence.

      • anonymous
        Posted at 15:23h, 16 December

        The comment above remarkably similar to one posted some years ago on the second post ECWDs posted on the convict:

        Senior of Edgar County
        June 22, 2012 at 6:12 pm

        Kami is a very good person with a very high degree of integrity. She has worked very hard to make the Edgar County Sr. Center a success during her 27 years as director. Unfortunately, statements have been made against her questioning her professionalism and loyalty to these programs. Rather than let her address the council to explain questionable actions, she was doubted and considered guilty. Rather than believing one side, please talk to Kami and let her explain the actions in question.

        smh @ the stoopid!

        Shorter: She didn’t do nothing and can explainz it all. It’s ALL your fault unless you let her lie about it some!

      • Jeri Williamson
        Posted at 15:35h, 16 December

        Sorry, was using words from your article.

  • Elizabeth Gruber
    Posted at 03:45h, 16 December

    Steal from the taxpayers and get a slap on the wrist while the rest of us have to fund this legal twist.

  • anon
    Posted at 22:11h, 15 December

    What about the Victoria’s Secret underwear?

    Did the taxpayers get that back?

    Was it properly laundered?

  • Sick Of These Pricks
    Posted at 21:53h, 15 December

    Wow, no prison time. That big of a thief gets probation? Thieving criminals don’t give a feces about probation.

  • Sandy Gray
    Posted at 21:47h, 15 December

    Well it’s about time. To bad we don’t have a quick effective way to bring justice to a head. Now I think the stall out and appeal hoping people will forget or die before justice is served.

  • Sherry Brianza
    Posted at 19:55h, 15 December

    Great job you guys! Amazing…..Scary what people do to hide the truth.
