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March 28, 2025

Gubernatorial Candidate Jeanne Ives interviewed by ECWd

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 20, 2017

Illinois (ECWd) –

Gubernatorial Candidate Jeanne Ives was in Coles County today and sat down with us for an interview pertaining to problematic areas of Illinois Government.

You can watch the full interview below.


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  • 25 year dedicated state worker
    Posted at 12:23h, 21 December

    Here we go again…another politician trying to steal from people who had nothing to do with the issue at hand. Politicians didn’t fund the system and it’s everyone else fault. Good luck with your campaign…short lived at best.

  • J. Madison
    Posted at 09:51h, 21 December

    Ives appears to be very intelligent, with a strong moral compass. West Point grad! She has my vote. She presents Illinois with its first chance to have an honest, smart Governor in the last 50 years.

  • doctorwhyme
    Posted at 09:15h, 21 December

    Why Can’t I Leave a Comment?

  • doctorwhyme
    Posted at 09:15h, 21 December

    llinois is the Most Economically Dysfunctional State in the Union.
    I was born a Democrat, and I would still be a Democrat Today, if the Democrats Today were like JFK.

    “Ask NOT what your Country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country.”
    Medicaid is good program ONLY IF Medicaid is for the DISABLED and UNABLED ONLY.

    Medicare was supposed to be only for Seniors, and a way to supplement their retirement.
    I am Very Strong on Strengthening Medicare and Social Security for Seniors.

    I am a Full Time Healthcare Provider of 35 years, working a 65 hour workweek for 31 years; now, only a 55 hour workweek. My dad is Plumber/Plumbing Contractor of 70 years, now 89 years old, and only works a 50 hour work week. “What a Slacker!”

    While working a 65 hour workweek, I went to St. Xavier University at night, took I believe, 20 or so, Graduate School Courses to Earn a Master’s Degree in Education. I currently have a Illinois State Teaching License in High School Education.

    I am seriously considering Running for United States Congress in 2020 from Illinois, District 3, #IL03.

    I am planning on Taking My Talents in Healthcare and Education to the House of Representatives or The United States Senate someday.

    My Campaign Slogan is “People and Principles Over Money and Power.”

    I am #MiddleClassAmerica, and “Middle Class America” has to be represented in The United States Congress.

    I also am a Singer, Songwriter, Musician, who wrote several songs recently, and more are in process.

    My best Song, so far is a Song I wrote for my wife, “Mary Angela,”
    “Angel My Love.”

    My hope is to have “Angel My Love” on iTunes, and CDBaby, on Valentines Day 2018.

    I am a Lifetime Chicago Cubs Fan, and wrote, recorded, and copyright,


    If you go to YouTube,
    And Search:

    I’m a Cubbie Today

    You Will Find Me.
    I hope you like my music video.

    Just go to Google, CDBaby, and iTunes, and Search

    Doctor Y

    And you will find me.

    Also, The #YNUTS is my band.
    You can listen to My Band’s Play List By Going to YouTube and Search:


    Back to Politics:

    “United We Stand, Divided We Fail.”
    Liberals, Libertarians, and Conservatives will vote for me.
    I am Leadership from Illinois.


    #JeanneIves for Governor of Illinois.
    There is not a candidate for a Government Office in Illinois that is more principled, and yet practical than Jeanne Ives.

    There is not a Candidate for Governor of Illinois that is more deserving of our votes and support than


    Our State, with the passage of #HB40 is the State of Disgrace.


    Corruption, Waste, PoliticalSpendthrifts, abound in Illinois Politics.

    “Handouts in Return for a Democrat Vote does NOT Work Anymore.”
    In Fact, this FAR LEFT Ideology NEVER worked.

    Chicago used to be #CHICAGOTheCityThatWorked, under Mayor Richard J Daley and his his son, Richard M. Daley. Crime in Chicago is an embarrassment to its leaders and to all of us, and it keeps our children, confined, unable to get out, and into a world where they can lead us. No one can walk some of our streets without the fear of being attacked in a City that I loved, and a City that I will continue to Love, Chicago. #IamChicagoThorughAndThrough.

    #JeanneIvesForGovernor of Illinois is the Only Choice for Governor.
    Jeanne Ives is intelligent, intuitive, Analytic, and has Character and the Integrity it takes to Stand Up to the Dysfunctional and Corrupt Government in Illinois that #WeThePeople have failed to
    Stand Up Against.

    #NeverPritzker, Just Search on Google:

    Toilet Pritzker

    And, I hope that you see Like Me, That Pritzker is Big Money, and Pritzker Can’t be Trusted.

    I am a Human Rights Activist, Strong on Morals, Ethics, and Principles.
    One will have a hard time trying to match my level of commitment to God’s Laws.
    You can only truthfully call yourself a Leader, only if, You Follow God’s Ways.

    I am involved in many charitable organizations, my favorite being, St. Vincent de Paul Society, an organization dedicated to helping the poor of our communities.

    I have said too much; I have not said enough.

    “If we have #LovedUnConditionally, we have learned the greatest lesson life has to offer.”

    God Bless You and Your Families.

    Please Support Jeanne Ives For Governor of Illinois.

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

  • Dave
    Posted at 20:12h, 20 December

    More proof Illinois is the most corrupt state in America! Good luck Jeanne!
