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March 28, 2025

AG: Chatham violated Open Meetings Act –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 31, 2017


The Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor has determined that the Village of Chatham has violated the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

On May 9and June 13, 2017, the Village of Chatham held two separate regular meetings without posting proper meeting notices.

In particular, the Village changed its regular meeting schedule and failed to publish notice of the change 10 days prior to the changes taking effect. When a public body changes its regular meeting schedule, it must be published in a newspaper at least 10 days prior to the changed meetings, and it must post a revised annual meeting schedule. Chatham failed to do either of those statutory mandates.

Chatham did, after it being brought to their attention, publish the change in the newspaper and update its annual meeting notice.

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1 Comment
  • Bob Judd
    Posted at 13:01h, 31 December

    To John Kraft and the Edgar County Watchdogs; I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you putting the R.f.R I filed, into your Newsletter so other Citizens can review it.. Perhaps to help them understand the process and to give them the idea that they too can help keep their town’s local government on notice.. Letting their leaders understand that doing business in an illegal way is not an option they can count on.
    Once again, Thanks and keep up the good work..
    Bob Judd / Chatham, Ill.
