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March 3, 2025

Randy Peterson’s Domestic Battery Appearance in Edgar County Re-Scheduled –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 20, 2017


Randall Peterson was supposed to be in Edgar County Court this afternoon for his first appearance on the Domestic Battery / Physical Contact charge.

He did not show, instead, his wife showed and gave the Judge a letter explaining that he could not appear in court because he was currently in in-patient rehabilitation and would not be allowed to leave until November 28, 2017.

She also petitioned to have the No Contact Order removed – that removal was granted by the Court.

The Court set a new hearing date for the defendant to appear on January 22, 2018, at 1:30 p.m.

On a side note, going by what was verbally stated in Court and without knowing exactly what was in the letter handed to the Judge which allegedly claimed he could not attend today’s hearing because his rehabilitation would not let him out to attend, he sure found a way to attend Court in Vermillion County, Indiana this morning. According to Vermillion County court records and court personnel, he physically signed in to the Vermillion County Court this morning. Just wondering why Edgar County Court would be any different than Vermillion County Court…

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1 Comment
  • Former Paris Police Officer
    Posted at 22:50h, 21 November

    This would not have been allowed to stand had this appearance been presided over by the Late Great Honorable Judge, Richard E. Scott. God help the fool who failed to appear or worse yet, failed to appear and perpetrated – or assisted in perpetrating – a lie or misrepresentation of the facts to Judge Scott. He would have had the Edgar County Sheriff’s Department – post haste – track down and haul the absentee defendant before him to answer for his absence. Judge Scott ran a court room the way it should have been – with complete oversight and control of the proceedings. If your case came before him, you’d better be respectful of him and the court, stand up straight, answer his questions clearly and of course NEVER lean on his bench ! Judge Scott held everyone accountable in his courtroom. He is missed.
