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Algonquin Township – Watchdogs take up free rent space in attorney’s mind

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On November 18, 2017

McHenry Co (ECWd) –

Who was in charge of former Road Commissioner Bob Miller’s Township Credit card?  That is going to be the several thousand dollar question, as you can see from this article, a lot of spending took place on that card that doesn’t point to any public purpose.

According to the Illinois State Police, the Federal Bureau of Investigations is handling an investigation on Bob Miller.

We were told that a court hearing on Friday of this week might be of interest to us as it was claimed we are “fake news”.  Such a statement was said to have come from Miller’s attorney who apparently is not pleased that we shared copies of credit card statements that are in the name of his client, Bob Miller.  Much like the College of DuPage Foundation’s attorney, Miller’s attorney would do his client justice if he focused on his representation instead of attacking the Edgar County Watchdogs’ fact-based reporting that includes documents supportive of the reporting.

Our suggestion; If we got something wrong, provide the evidence that disproves it!

For the record, in case Miller’s attorney wants to imply our reporting of the FBI involvement is fake news, our statement of such an investigation is based on what we were told by the ISP upon filing our own criminal complaint pertaining to the spending of public funds in Algonquin Township for what appear to be private purchases.  The fact those purchases are on the credit card with his client’s name does not mean Miller made those purchases. However, the ISP was pretty clear who was being investigated and by who.

From: [email protected]
Date: 11/16/17 1:48 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Kirk Allen <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [External] Criminal Compliant

Mr. Allen,

The FBI is conducting the investigation of Robert Miller.

Sgt. Melissa Isley #5346
Illinois State Police
Zone 1 Investigations
595 S. State St.
Elgin, Il 60123
Office 847-608-3259
Fax 847-608-3205

I guess they can add one more matter to investigate!  Can anyone explain why a non-employee of Algonquin Township, specifically Elizabeth Barnas, happened to have her name appear on the Township credit card statement for an airline flight to New Orleans in 2008?

I say non-employee based on my recent Freedom of Information Request to the Township for a copy of all payroll records for Elizabeth Barnas for 2008 to include a 1099 and/or W2 form for that year.

From: Karen Lukasik [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017, 3:42 PM
To: Kirk Allen <[email protected]>
Cc: Charles Lutzow <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: FOIA Request

Mr. Allen

In response to your FOIA request, Elizabeth Barnas was never an employee of Algonquin Township, therefore, there are no documents to supply to you.

Regards, Karen Lukasik

Does the fact that the same credit card statement has the name Micheal Barnas on it for the same trip have something to do with Elizabeth’s name on the statement?  Was this a taxpayer-funded vacation for a relation of Micheal Barnas, who used to work for the Township?

Considering the purchase was made for a non-employee, on public credit, it appears to have no public purpose.  If not a public purpose, whoever made the purchase on Bob Miller’s Township Credit card has a real problem.

Considering the ISP has pointed to Bob Miller as the one under investigation by the FBI, it appears Miller is the one facing a real problem.

As far as the fake news claim, may we suggest the attorney take that up with the Secretary of State who provided our media credentials for the Capital.

BARNAS, ELIZABETH plane ticket


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  • Like Ur Chops
    Posted at 00:59h, 20 November

    Interesting, Michael Barnas is friends with a lot of the Millers and their supporters on FaceBook. and he even states he ‘Works at Cuba Township Highway Department’. Millers Lawyer Tom Gooch used to be the Hwy Commissioner at Cuba Township, so Gooch is friends/member of the State Twnshp Hwy Cmmsr ‘club’ with the accused Bob Miller. Such an incestuous business this nepotism/patronage practice in govt!!!!

    • Like Ur Chops
      Posted at 01:04h, 20 November

      Correction Robert Miller (jr.?) from Cary, now works at Cuba Township Highway Dept. So it’s probably worse than I thought.

  • Inmate # 3321765-3, looking forward to meeting you, bob
    Posted at 19:33h, 18 November

    Take. Note governmental evil-doers, your time is nigh. Confess your sins now and save the people further cost and indignity.

  • Danni Smith
    Posted at 17:01h, 18 November

    nothing witty to write. Just imagining prison with retribution via confiscation, first from bank accounts, stock investments -pay us back, either before, or during your lockup. A little more long prison time and we will see much less of this. Or a good long-gone tar and feathering-that’s the cheapest way.

  • Janis
    Posted at 13:24h, 18 November

    Janis Joplin – Mercedes Benz

    Oh lord won’t you buy me a night on the town.
    I’m counting on you lord, please don’t let me down.
    Prove that you love me and buy the next round.
    Oh lord won’t you buy me a night on the town.


    Oh lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz.
    My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
    Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends.
    So oh lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz.
