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March 28, 2025

Kami Miller Sentencing Set in Federal Court –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 6, 2017


We have been notified that sentencing of Kami Miller is scheduled for December 15, 2017 in United States District Court in Urbana, Illinois.

She plead guilty last month to Mail Fraud with a whole slew of details surrounding the mail fraud (here).

Her daughter-in-law, Ashley Miller, plead guilty to Mail Fraud earlier this year – she still lists the former mass transit district on her Facebook page.

This is the end of an over 5-year federal investigation into the theft of massive amounts of public funds meant for the poor and elderly residents of Clark and Edgar Counties, from the East Central Illinois Mass Transit District, which was the public transportation for Clark and Edgar Counties. ECIMTD was basically forced into insolvency and shuttered in 2013, only to have RIDES Mass Transit District based out of Harrisburg, Illinois to take over its former territory.

During that mess, we were the first to report on the thieving mother-daughter-in-law Miller duo – starting in 2012. We were also the first to report on the unlawful giving of left over ECIMTD funds to RIDES-MTD by the Edgar County Board. Kirk Allen was even forcibly ejected from a county board meeting when attempting to voice opposition to the illegal gift. RIDES has taken Edgar County to court over the money, and is on its second amended complaint, which we predict will go nowhere.

There are still questions remaining in the saga:

  • what will happen with the illegal sale of ECIMTD real estate, where a local non-profit made out like fat-cats when they re-sold it to NAL?
  • will Edgar and Clark Counties petition the federal courts to have restitution from Ashley and Kami Miller paid to them instead of to RIDES-MTD?

We will keep you updated.



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  • Danni Smith
    Posted at 12:57h, 09 October

    You are the heroes, and most people don’t know it-just your close followers. If either of you had been Governor, or Mayor of chiraq, Land of Leavin’ would be a different landscape.

  • Rory Steidl
    Posted at 12:00h, 07 October

    It’s very interesting to see how this case progressed – from an, “Aww, there’s nothing there” according to some who didn’t want the truth to be revealed – to significant federal indictments and guilty pleas. Once again, some who are supposed to be exercising oversight over our public funds couldn’t poor piss out of a boot with directions written on the heel…or worse. Good job staying on this, WDs.
