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October 19, 2024

Country Club Hills Fire Department – Massive porn problem, sexual harassment should lead to terminations and criminal charges –

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On October 18, 2017

Cook Co. (ECWd) –

WARNING: Content found in these legal documents contain pornographic descriptions and search terms

As if sexual harassment in the workplace is not bad enough, we now find that everything from attempts to scrub hard drives, to hiding computers has taken place in their efforts to destroy evidence and conceal their disgusting sickness, pornography.

PLAINTIFF’S RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS’ MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT and PLAINTIFF’S MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF SANCTIONS FOR DISCOVERY VIOLATIONS AND SPOLIATION lays out a clear foundation of what appears to be a sickness on multiple levels by firefighters and command staff at the Country Club Hills Fire Department. Previous reporting on some of these matters can be found at this link.

Some of the supporting forensic reports were so disgusting we will not provide them but they can be obtained at the courthouse. The forensic summary from Garrett Discovery is more than enough to show the taxpayers of this state and Country Club Hills that there is a very major problem on numerous fronts within Country Club Hills Fire Department.

The volume of pornographic search terms found on page 17 is honestly beyond anything I could even imagine and may well be a look at what is happening to our society.  When this type of behavior goes on in the workplace and they still have a job it tells us the problem is bigger than just those with the addiction to porn.  All indications are the CCHFD has a serious leadership problem.

When this type of activity goes on in our workplaces and an orchestrated effort is made to conceal and or destroy evidence, we believe criminal investigations should take place and charges filed against those abusing the taxpayers of this community.

As a Fire Chief who trains firefighters all over the country, I have NEVER seen anything even remotely close to this type of behavior from those who took an oath to serve and protect.  Repulsive is the only word that comes to mind after reading these court filings.

We urge the taxpayers of this community to attend their next city meeting and demand those responsible for the actions discovered in multiple investigations are terminated and held accountable.  Also, we urge resignations from all those in a leadership position for allowing this type of activity to take place while being paid by the taxpayers and prosecutions for those involved in the alleged harassment and coverup of the pornographic behavior.



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  • Trudy
    Posted at 14:16h, 19 October

    Even if they didn’t do the actual harassment of the female worker, just knowing about it and not helping her makes them complicit and they should lose their jobs!

  • Bill
    Posted at 09:15h, 19 October

    I find it very difficult to believe that any COMPETENT IT person would not have installed content logging and blocking on a GOV network.

  • Kevin
    Posted at 01:07h, 19 October

    Add Salt Peter to the ingredients of one dish st every meal at the Firehouse. What a bunch of pervs.
