Below is a copy of the file-stamped Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed against the City of Carlinville by Robert Bogue. We wrote about this lawsuit a few days ago (here).
We urge Carlinville residents to remember all the city had to do was copy some paperwork and email it to Bogue.
That was too difficult because the city, Mayor DeMuzio, and the attorney are hiding things from the public.
Now they will answer to a Judge, and when this is all over and you see their legal bills, you should make them answer to you.
We also ask the residents of Carlinville to ask their City Council members if these records, and the records subject to the other lawsuits were ever produced to the requesters – and if they say yes, tell them you know they are lying to you, and ask them to say that under oath.
Please feel free to donate; link is below the document.
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Posted at 16:32h, 06 SeptemberWhy is it so difficult for the Carlinville officials to understand the simple concept of “freedom of information ” and to take a few minutes and make copies!! Elected officials work for the public!
Christine Trzos
Posted at 12:18h, 06 SeptemberOkay lemmings of Carlinville… when will you think for yourselves and make your elected officials accountable? You are their employer, not the other way around!!! Wake up … you MUST obey the the laws or pay a penalty! But when it comes to “their’ flagrant disregard of their sworn duties and the Law, YOU THE TAX PAYER GET TO PAY for their violations of the law, as well… nice going!