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March 28, 2025

Do Carlinville, Sawyerville, and Royal Lakes have the same Attorney?

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 12, 2017


Just a quick question for y’all:

Is the same attorney representing Carlinville, Sawyerville, and Royal Lakes?

Is Mayor DeMuzio giving classes to the Macoupin County Mayoral Association on how to keep public records from the public?

It appears so, with all of them refusing to provide public records under the Freedom of Information Act.

Is there something in the water down there in Macoupin County, I mean, besides falsified reports being sent to the EPA?

At least Royal Lakes just tells everybody up front that they will not comply with the law…

This is why FOIA needs criminal consequences:



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  • Deborah Wilson
    Posted at 01:04h, 13 September

    It reads like it is missing the second half that should say… until we clean up the flood from a leaking roof…. or- until the entire staff returns to work as they are all out with the flu… or something. But then again- what is that I see? Is it laminated???!!! It appears that they wanted the sign to last for a long time.

  • Christine Trzos
    Posted at 23:10h, 12 September

    The water problems of Carlinville date back to when then State Senator Demuzio could have actually done something to save the lake… but she was too busy trying to save her senate seat (out spending her republican opponent by a small fortune). I always say: “Every dog has her day…I just want to be there when she arrives at the kennel.”
