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March 27, 2025

Effingham Mayor Bloemker resigns from Illinois Department of Corrections after internal investigation –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 5, 2017


According to 979 XFM, Effingham Mayor Jeff Bloemker has resigned his position with the Illinois Department of Corrections. He was appointed to the position of CEO of Illinois Correctional Industries by Gov. Rauner.

XFM says Bloemker provided a written statement saying in part that “The intense pace and heavy travel demands involved in being the CEO of Illinois Correctional Industries put too much a stress on me as a father of three, a husband, and a mayor. I have therefore resigned my position with the Illinois Department of Corrections.

Continue reading the article on 979XFM website (here).

In June, we wrote about IDOC’s internal investigation into Bloemker’s alleged improper use of state time and state vehicles for non-state business (click here), which violates IDOT policies.  We suspect the stress he cited was more related to the investigation of his activities as an IDOC employee. His resignation from Executive Director of Heartland Human Services last year carried the same tone. In that

His resignation from Executive Director of Heartland Human Services last year carried the same tone. In that resignation he claimed his departure would allow the social services agency to consider new leadership options, as if they didn’t have that right anyway.

Good riddance, and let us hope that his replacement will follow state law.



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