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March 28, 2025

Carlinville named in another Freedom of Information Act lawsuit –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 12, 2017


A second lawsuit was filed yesterday, July 11, 2017, alleging more Freedom of Information Act violations against the City of Carlinville and its Freedom of Information Act Officer, Carla Brockmeier.

ECWd’s John Kraft is the Plaintiff.

This case is listed in Judici’s online database of court filings (click here) case number 2017MR82

Read our previous articles on Carlinville here:

We will update this with copies of the filed documents when we obtain them.



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1 Comment
  • Christine Trzos
    Posted at 09:56h, 12 July

    Best wishes and prayers for the truth to come out about this administration.
    Sad to say, the people of Carlinville have not taken an active role in their government for entirely too long. And thus the Demuzio Dynasty has been allowed to distort and corrupt the way government operates with no oversight.This administration is just an example of why Illinois is bankrupt of not only funding, but values. It didn’t happen overnight or in the blink of an eye. It happened because they surrendered their values for a job, a favor, or some small material thing and looked the other way. This is endemic of our entire society… ‘let the other guy fix it.’ The result is the anger and frustration we now have in Washington. God bless the Edgar County Watchdogs for trying to make a difference!
