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March 28, 2025

Paris Councilman immune from Ordinance violations?

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 6, 2017


It has come to our attention that certain individuals appear to be immune from receiving tickets for Ordinance violations.

Paris City Councilman Kemper owns a house on the SE corner of the S. Central St. and Elizabeth St. intersection that appears to have never had the grass mowed this year.

I did not measure the grass, but it appears to be in excess of 2 feet tall. The house is uninhabitable and we understand has been “selected” to be torn down using public funds…we will talk about that in a later article.

Even if the house will be demolished, the grass should have been cut…or…the grass Ordinance revoked. Why should other residents of Paris be subject to tickets and fines if a city council member is not subject under those same conditions?

Would anyone else be afforded this opportunity?





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  • Crystal Winkler
    Posted at 07:03h, 07 June

    There are tons of houses that need demolished & yards that need mowed in this town. City needs to cleaning it up. I don’t think it applies to certain individuals. They just need to step up & start writing tickets out for houses that need tore down or mowed. I take Wood street home daily & know of four house that need tore down & or mowed with grass this tall. Corner of High st & Wood, Corner of Wood st & Eads Ave. two house from each corner are good examples that are both condemned.

    • Barbara Neal
      Posted at 16:23h, 07 June

      There is a house in Tonya Drive that has been vacant for several years. The city mows the yard & bills the owner who lives out of town. That’s our tax $s. My property taxes are really high & We have this to look at everyday. Why are people not forced to take care of there properties? If they don’t want to stick a sign in the yard & sell it!
