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Alexandria Shooter James Hodgkinson, Belleville, IL – Facebook Groups –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 14, 2017

BELLEVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – is reporting James T. Hodgkinson from Bellville, Illinois as the named shooter in the Alexandria, VA mass shooting of Republicans as they were practicing for a baseball game.

We have captured the list of Facebook Groups he was a member of, and it is quite interesting – here are some of the more disturbing-looking ones:

  • The road to hell is paved with Republicans
  • Democrats are Welcome
  • Rachel Maddow for President 2020
  • Join the Resistance Worldwide
  • Donald Trump is not my President
  • Terminate the Republican Party
  • President Bernie Sanders
  • BERN ON #theRevolutionContinues
  • Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump
  • Americans Against Fox News
  • Boycott the Republican Party

Complete list below:

Facebook Groups of Hodgkinson




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  • Mitch
    Posted at 23:32h, 16 June

    He read this site regularly as well.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 07:54h, 17 June

      I doubt it.

  • poetmelaniesimms
    Posted at 16:48h, 14 June

    Murder is NEVER a good thing … sorry but it’s not. What happened was horrible and sickening, and I don’t know how I would have responded in that situation myself; however why do we have to constantly kill people in return? Especially if this man were mentally ill. There are ways to bring a shooter down, take him in and retrain him. I wasn’t there so its hard to say for sure BUT It just seems to me that he could have been shot in the legs and taken into custody.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 17:18h, 14 June

      Police do not shoot to wound. The killer got what he deserved.

    • Josie Brooks
      Posted at 17:28h, 14 June

      retrain him to do what??? Saved the country money to house him and send him to trial!

  • James J Pancrazio
    Posted at 15:14h, 14 June

    John, curious here, what is it that you find disturbing about all of those sites?

  • Barbara Fish
    Posted at 13:46h, 14 June

    political rhetorical terrorism spewed by the democratic party. deep down i do believe some democrats are glad this happened. This guy should of been upset at DNC for black balling his candidate. Think before you speak as what you say may be taken literally by mentally ill people. Maybe if the media hadn’t basically guarantee that Hillary was going to win and Trump was a joke, people would not have been so deeply affected by the results. I feel bad this even had to happen as I have taken care of the mentally ill for 36 years as a RN.

    • Ann
      Posted at 15:45h, 14 June

      Barbara I agree completely. Plus, the Rachel Maddow for president page is extremely disturbing. She is one of the worst conspiracy theorists and spews lies. She incites violence in mentally ill people who aren’t capable of rational thought process and recognizing fact from fiction.

  • Joan R M-Deyoreo
    Posted at 12:22h, 14 June

    It’s a reflection of the polarized nature of our country that the author and commentators can say that the list is “disturbing”. The shooter’s actions were disturbing, he himself may have been mentally ill, but the fact that he belonged to these social media groups is neither disturbing nor sick. Consider that none of the groups say anything about killing the opposition, or that they should be dead. In just a quick search on Facebook, I found a group called-” I’d love it if I woke up and all Democrats and Liberals were dead” — that’s not disturbing?

  • vincent GLEN Smith
    Posted at 12:01h, 14 June

    Bad guy with a gun gets stopped by a good guy with a gun hmmm imagine that

  • Dwight KAy
    Posted at 11:30h, 14 June

    Hope the authorities determine any connections he had with others in Belleville area that have the same mind set as this sick individual.

  • Rory Steidl
    Posted at 10:48h, 14 June

    Nut job. It’s nice to know he is no longer a threat to any human being. Kudos to brave LEOs who engaged him and killed him.
