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March 27, 2025

Confirmed: Carlinville’s Mayor, Clerk, and Attorney Lied About Mailing CDs –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 5, 2017


At Carlinville’s City Council meeting on April 3, 2017, the council directed their attorney to provide all the requested records for all FOIA requests submitted as of that date (April 3, 2017).

During their April 17, 2017 meeting, the City Attorney Richard Bertinetti, City Clerk Carla Brockmeier, and Mayor Deanna Demuzio all claimed that the records were sent on CD thru the mail to Kraft on Friday, April 7th. No CD was ever received by me.

Within a couple days of the April 17 meeting, the clerk called me to verify my mailing address and said she would send out a replacement CD that day. No CD was ever received by me.

The players in this web of deception:

  • Mayor Deanna Demuzio – Lied about the CDs
  • City Clerk Carla Brockmeier – Lied about the CDs
  • City Attorney Richard Bertinetti – Lied, or allowed the lies to stand, about the CDs
  • Attorney Daniel P, Schuering – Probably telling truth about CDs and fudging the rest

Getting tired of the back-and-forth accusations, Carlinville resident Mr. Turley requested the same CDs that were “sent” to me and told the city clerk he would come in and pick them up in person.

They did not respond to Turley within the time required under the Freedom Of Information Act (5-days). After violating FOIA’s response time, they let him pick up a letter at city hall at 4p.m. today, Friday, knowing nobody would be there to talk to. Please note the timing and the obvious avoiding of any communications between the FOIA officer and Turley. This letter stated that no CDs were ever provided to Kraft, as we had always maintained was the truth.

Turley asked for a copy of the CD sent to me in response to my March 20 FOIA Request. Carlinville said there was no data CD provided:

[documentcloud url=””]

Turley also asked for a copy of the CD sent to me in response to my March 18 FOIA Request (there is a scrivener’s error in the date on this one, but the requested items match the March18th FOIA request). Carlinville again said there was no data CD provided, then also sent a cryptic message about providing a response in the same form as they provided me (which is nothing but air because they provided nothing):

[documentcloud url=””]


The entire response provided to Mr. Turley (no enclosures were provided even though cryptically alluded to):


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1 Comment
  • jannie
    Posted at 10:49h, 08 May

    Nothings surprises me about public officials any more!
