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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage -Glaser & Sapyta – Parties reported that this case has settled

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On May 24, 2017

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –

According to the Federal Docket pertaining to the lawsuit filed by former Vice President Thomas Glaser and Controller Lynn Sapyta, it has been reported to the Federal Court that the Parties, in this case, have settled.

The lawsuit was brought forward after the College terminated Glaser and Sapyta for cause.  Shortly after the termination, those two former employees filed suit against the College, Former interim President Joe Collins in his individual and official capacity, and former Chair Kathy Hamilton in her individual and official capacity.

We have been unable to get anyone to disclose the terms of the settlement and considering there has been no action by the College during their last meeting to vote on a settlement, we can only assume Joe Collins and/or Kathy Hamilton in their individual capacity have reached a settlement in this case, but again, that is an assumption that we can not verify.

Communication with Board Members has only confirmed they have not voted to make any settlement nor has any agenda item been listed for such action on any meetings held by the board.  The fact that today’s minute entries into the record reflect “Parties” reported that this case has settled, it would appear whatever settlement reached included the College, however, such an action for the College to settle would require a vote, thus it’s not over until it’s over.

“MINUTE entry before the Honorable Jorge L. Alonso: Parties reported that this case has settled. Accordingly, status hearing previously set for 5/25/17 is stricken and reset to 6/29/17 at 9:00 a.m. If a stipulation to dismiss has been submitted in advance of that date, no one needs to appear on 6/29/17.” (Minute Entry found here)

“MINUTE entry before the Honorable Michael T. Mason: In light of the District Court’s minute entry indicating that the parties have reached a settlement [129], the 5/25/17 status hearing is stricken; no appearance is necessary on that date. All matters relating to the referral of this case having been resolved, the referral is closed and the case is returned to the assigned Judge. Magistrate Judge Mason no longer assigned to the case.” (Minute Entry found here)

We will update as we are able to obtain more information on the Settlement.


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  • Bob Hazard
    Posted at 08:00h, 25 May

    Is the most likely scenario that Glaser and Sapyta dropped the suit?

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 09:05h, 25 May

      I suspect we will see a motion to dismiss the College from the case and if that happens, that tells me one or both of the others named have settled the case in such a manner that the case against the College is dropped. Just my speculation though as NO ONE is saying a word.

      We will keep an eye on the Federal Docket and update accordingly.

      • Bob Hazard
        Posted at 13:06h, 26 May

        Thx. Keep up the good work.
