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March 27, 2025

Citizen Watchdog Training – May 6 – Effingham

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 2, 2017


As citizens, we don’t just have the right to expect local governments spend our tax dollars legally and transparently–we have the responsibility to hold them accountable when they don’t. But how can you keep your local government honest?

Join Americans for Prosperity Foundation and the Edgar County Watchdogs, Saturday, May 6th to learn how to use the tools at our disposal to make a difference. Hear from the two founders of the Edgar County Watchdogs, who have used publicly-available information and the state’s Open Meetings and Freedom of Information Laws to expose waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption in their hometowns and across the state.

Citizen Watchdog Training

Saturday, May 6th, 8am-12pm

Thelma Keller Convention Center-Washington Room

1202 N. Keller Dr.

Effingham, IL 62401

Thanks to the efforts of these men, more than 240 elected officials and bureaucrats in Illinois have resigned or been removed. Come meet other concerned citizens and learn where to look, what to look for, and what questions to ask. RSVP today to save your seat!

For Freedom,

Andrew Nelms
State Director
Americans for Prosperity – IL



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  • katy
    Posted at 20:58h, 11 July

    i can see clearly now… i wondered if i detect a distinct right-wing bias… seems so.
    ***Removed by moderator***

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 22:11h, 11 July

      You complain about a supposed right-wing bias while spewing out alt-left talking points and acting like an uneducated thug. Thanks for the info.

  • Sherry Brianza
    Posted at 09:49h, 22 April

    This is fantastic! Wish I could attend a formal training but will not be available for these dates. You guys are the best! I WILL make one soon / so much to do to shed light on misuse and abuse of power & taxpayers money & these guys know how to do it right! Thank you!
