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March 27, 2025

Carlinville’s City Employee Payroll –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 3, 2017


Breaking News: The City of Carlinville answered a FOIA request within the 5-day requirement!

The Freedom Of Information Act request did not come from me, but it did come from someone who writes for

What she requested was the payroll of all city employees, and it is below.

Meanwhile, the crickets are still churping waiting on those credit card statements the city has been hiding from the public’s watchful eye…oh, and the two CDs the FOIA Officer supposedly mailed, but by now everyone knows we were lied to, during a public meeting, about the CDs being mailed out. What will the next excuse be?

Update: It was brought to our attention that the FOIA Officer, Ms. Brockmeier, failed to properly redact the addresses and some phone numbers from the document she sent out. We did, and here is the properly redacted document:

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1 Comment
  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 06:29h, 04 May

    If you weren’t there…in the last City of Carlinville meeting I attended…..The City agreed to comply with Mr. Kraft’s FOIA request and send the requested material out at the end of that week.
    The City’s attorney agreed to this as well as the City during the meeting.

    Afterwards I over heard Mr. Kraft ask the City Attorney for the return of his filing fees in exchange for receiving the requested material and dropping the civil suit; to which the attorney said no.
    So…this refusal to provide public information guaranteed by Illinois Law (FOIA) will continue to cost the taxpayers of Carlinville and it continue to protect those that may be, or are guilty of wrongdoing.
    Temporarily…. the city attorney receives financial gain…in the situation that he has perpetuated. That is until, the residents of Carlinville decide otherwise.
