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March 3, 2025

Carlinville poised to spend more tax funds on new AG FOIA denial inquiry –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 4, 2017


Carlinville FOIA Officer apparently thinks FOIA does not apply to them.

The Illinois Attorney General has sent another letter of inquiry requiring an answer from the City of Carlinville on why they have refused to answer a Freedom of Information Act request from Mr. Woodyard of South Jacksonville, IL.

Woodyard sent his FOIA request to the FOIA Officer, Carla Brockmeier, on April 17, 2017, and she has apparently violated her statutory duty by refusing to provide the requested information.

Now it appears the city will gladly spend more taxpayer funds on their attorney to attempt defending the indefensible – it’s “other people’s money”… just makes me wonder if it has surpassed $10,000 yet. We will publish all the attorney invoices once they are available.

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  • Zachary Rice
    Posted at 11:06h, 04 May

    How many letters from the AG does that make now

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:42h, 04 May

      at least 4, maybe 5

  • Mike Duff
    Posted at 08:12h, 04 May

    Mayor and FOIA officer are not being too
    wise. When they end up in court they will be compelled to produce what you have asked to be produced. The sad thing is that the taxpayers end up paying for all this foolishness on the Mayor’s part via legal fees. Maybe the Mayor is trying to hide something???
