A quick update on the City of Carlinville’s continued noncompliance with the Freedom Of Information Act.
- The city answered the complaint in the FOIA suit
- I have received, most, but not all, public records related to the January 16, 2017 FOIA request
- I have received an answer to the March 20, 2017 FOIA request
- I have received an answer to the April 14, 2017 FOIA request
Still unanswered:
- The February 15, 2017 FOIA request (isn’t 10 weeks long enough to wait?)
- The March 18, 2017 FOIA request
- The April 1, 2017 FOIA request
- The April 13, 2017 FOIA request
- Neither of the CD’s the city alleges were put in the mail
None of the answered requests contain any financial information, like credit card statements, and cell phone bills that Mayor Demuzio insisted there was nothing to see in them – that being the case, why have they never been provided?
On another note, the Carlinville Park District has timely answered every FOIA request I have sent them. Why is it so difficult for the city to answer theirs?
Danni Smith
Posted at 10:38h, 01 MayThe hubris is astounding. However, it is what we have become accustomed to in Illinois with never-ending corruption. It is an escalating warfare between the taxpayer and the criminals who have legislated away all our rights into their total control. These communists do not understand history and believe they are the exception.
Madison Black
Posted at 07:34h, 02 MayThey finally decided to follow the law!