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March 13, 2025

Iroquois County – ETSB – hiring restricted to part time by ordinance!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On March 23, 2017

Iroquois Co. (ECWd) –

We can only wonder what the excuse will be for the hiring of an Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB), 911 Coordinator as a permanent position when the ordinance specifically stated they only had the power to hire, on a temporary basis, any staff necessary for the implementation or upgrade of the system.

(5) Hiring, on a temporary basis, any staff necessary for the implementation or upgrade of the system.

This is yet another example of a public body failing to read and apply the rules established by law and ordinance.  Not only did they not have the power to contract a full-time person they were restricted to only provide the employment on a temporary basis.

How many years must pass before it’s no longer temporary? 

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  • G. Barraclough
    Posted at 08:09h, 24 March

    Easy remedy.
    Have the Illinois General Assembly pass a bill retroactively creating the full time, lifetime career position of 911 Coordinaror for Iroquois County (only) and Gov. Rauner will sign it. Just like they and he did in Senate Bill 3319.

    There is really no problem here. This is Illinois.
    Land of Lincoln and lawlessness.

    • G. Barraclough
      Posted at 08:10h, 24 March


      911 Coordinator.

  • Rebecca Burdick
    Posted at 02:15h, 24 March

    It doesn’t surprise me this has happened. My son and I have complained to county board member about how a Circuit Court Judge and Bailiff talks and treats us nothing has ever been done about it . Also damage has been done to my parents headstone at OakHill Cemetery by an employee that maintains the cemeteries they haven’t done anything about that as well ty has .County of Iroquois has control but they don’t seem to care . we requested a new Judge my son’s was denied and I’m still waiting if I will get one or not .
