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October 19, 2024

Clark County Park District Settles Open Meetings Lawsuit, Writes Check –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 14, 2017


The Clark County park District recently settled the Open Meetings Act lawsuit after their complete defeat at the Appellate Court earlier this year.

The suit was filed after the park board decided it would vote on two items without informing the public present at the meeting what they were actually voting on. The Circuit Court agreed with the park district, we appealed, and the Appellate Court overturned the Circuit Court siding with us with a unanimous vote, sending it back to the lower court for further hearings.

For the voters in the Park District – this is what has been running your park district for far too long. They thought they could do what they wanted to do without any repercussions – but when taken to the Appellate Court level, we believe justice was served and this district got the ruling that should have been ruled at the circuit level.

All the district had to do in the first place was hold a proper meeting, have a proper agenda, and take a proper vote. Instead, they chose to spend well over $15,000 of your money fighting it out in court, only to settle after the unanimous Appellate Court decision in our favor.

Settlement below:

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