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Wheeling’s Mayor Argiris Used City Credit for Personal Use and Appears to have Lied About Repayment –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 4, 2017


Check dtd 12-22-2016

The Mayor of Wheeling, Illinois,  Dean Argiris, has used the city credit card for personal and private business purposes. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when questioned during public comment in the January 16, 2017 meeting, he told the public that he had already reimbursed the city for his most recent personal purchase of $462.00 at Tuscany’s on October 22, 2016.

Sure enough, when a copy of the check was requested thru FOIA, it was dated December 22, 2016 – a full 60 days after incurring the debt.

That’s where is gets a little tricky…

The back of the check showed it was deposited on January 18, 2018 – which made us wonder why the city would hold onto the check for so long prior to depositing it – especially when the law requires timely deposits.

receipt dtd 1-17-2017

So I asked for a copy of all his reimbursements, and what I received showed he actually gave the check to the city clerk on January 17, 2017 – not on December 22, 2016 as the check was dated (unless the clerk is willingly violating state law – which we don’t believe is happening).

You can see the back of the check, here, and it shows it was deposited on January 18, 2017 – so unless the clerk held the check in violation of law, then Mayor Argiris lied to the public by claiming he had already reimbursed the city for his Tuscany’s dinner.

This isn’t the only illegal purchases made using the public credit card – he has also used it in his private employment capacity as evidenced by a reimbursement just last November by a company named “AIM Insurance Agency, Inc.” There were three checks from that company for reimbursements on behalf of Mayor Dean Argiris – two in 2014 and one in Nov 2016.

The city of Wheeling is financing his personal use and his business deals with the public credit card, when their policy on purchase card use clearly states personal purchases are unauthorized (see page 4). Why isn’t the city council concerned about this blatant violation of Article VIII, Section 1(a) of the Illinois Constitution? Do they not realize these acts can be used as a predicate for felony Official Misconduct? – and now they have become enablers of this bankrupt Mayor?

This is only one of many articles to come on Mayor Dean Argiris and the irresponsible city council of Wheeling, Illinois. They are all complicit in this activity and we will highlight each and every one of their recent activities in the coming weeks.


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  • K DeVroeg
    Posted at 09:50h, 10 February

    And aren’t the other reimbursements mentioned, for AIM Insurance Agency,related to his personal company? This really raises eyebrows!

    • Deborah Wilson
      Posted at 14:59h, 11 February

      The receipt seems to indicate that AIM Insurance is the “payor” of some of the reimbursements back to the Village of Wheeling for expenditures made by Dean Argiris on the Village’s credit card. Other receipts say that Dean Argiris is the “payor” of the reimbursements back to the Village of Wheeling for expenditures made by Dean Argiris on the public credit card. Not sure why an insurance company would want to pay his debts.

  • K DeVroeg
    Posted at 09:46h, 10 February

    Who is responsible for approving his P card charges?

    • Deborah Wilson
      Posted at 20:47h, 10 February

      That is an excellent question K DeVroeg. The entire Board of Trustees vote once a month to give their approval on some packet called “approval of bills.” When I hear “bill” I tend to think of something that has yet to be paid, however, I find this to be a strange title because the board packet is titled “approval of bills,” however, also contains the “Purchase Card Report” which is for expenditures already made. It seems pointless to “approve” of expenditures previously made on the public. This link will take you to the “Board Packets for Approval of Bills.”

  • Stacey Horcher
    Posted at 07:26h, 10 February


  • Madison Black
    Posted at 07:52h, 06 February

    Where is the States Attorney in this mess? I intend to dig into this myself and find our how far the mayor has treated himself on the taxpayer’s dime.

    • Stacey Horcher
      Posted at 16:35h, 07 February

      I’d love to know the total too, my husband Pat Horcher is running against this guy! Pat has 16 years of experience as a Trustee and served as an Acting Village President for approx 7 months. He is very honest, no arrests (Dean has been arrested and convicted of SOLICITATION!) we have never had “liens” to force us to pay our taxes, we pay our taxes on time, and no one ever has had to sue us to pay our bills. Check out Dean’s history of lawsuits filed against him, it’s a matter of public record! Thanks!

  • Danni Smith
    Posted at 20:59h, 04 February

    no credit cards for any public office holder-turn in an expense report with receipts and all purchases must be reasonable-no $7.50 bagels like the College of DuPage Trustee Wozniak, among his other self-largess at our expense.

    • Frank Rizzo
      Posted at 21:27h, 04 February

      Unless you know how big that $7.50 bagel was (or if the atmosphere was fabulously exceptional and that went into that $7.50 bagel) you don’t know for sure if the taxpayers took it in the kiester or not. Now for sure a $20.00 bagel would be a reaming, but $7.50 still leaves a sliver of plausible deniability to go with the cream cheese.

  • Frank Rizzo
    Posted at 19:43h, 04 February

    Hey now!

    The first thing I thought when I read the post and looked at the image of the check was #55592?! This Village of Steeling mayor Argiris guy must write a wallpaper factory worth of checks!

    Then I took a look at the Village of Steeling cash receipts you posted. Maybe I need my eyes examined, and there is nothing at all to see.

    Here’s what I see unless my eyes are lying: Argiris reimbursement check #55587 written for $946.63 and a Village of Steeling register date of 11/18/16; and then there is an Argiris reimbursement check #55592 written for $462.00 and with a Village of Steeling register date of 1/17/17- but with the front of the check with a date of December 22, 2016.

    Anyone else notice anything like this, or should I go see an eye doctor?

  • jojo salvador
    Posted at 14:59h, 04 February

    how do we get rid of these corrupt officials? unfair for tax payers…
