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March 28, 2025

Shelbyville Township – Who changed the Objection?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On January 14, 2017

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

The Shelbyville Township Electoral Board, at its 3rd called meeting, read into the record the Objection filed by Robin Robertson.  Upon hearing what was read we knew someone had intervened and provided the Chairman with a modified version of the original objection.

Original written Objection: (As can be viewed below in its hand written form)

I am objecting to the nomination of Cory wells for highway commissioner of Shelbyville Township


  1. Is not a qualified elector/registered voter
  2. Is not a one year resident in district or township

Comparing the original objection to the one actually read into the only record of these proceedings, which is what the courts will review if the objection is sustained, it is clear it has been altered.

(Changes highlighted in bold and underlined.)

 I am objecting to the nomination of Cory Wells for highway commissioner of Shelbyville township the reasons for the objections, are

  1. Wells is allegedly not a qualified elector/registered voter and
  2. Has not been a resident for one year at the time of the execution of the nomination papers.

You can watch that portion of the meeting in the video below.  The reason this is concerning is because it is clear a prepared document was read into the record and gives the appearance that the objection was allowed to be altered from the original filing, which would be a violation of law.

Upon raising our concerns on this matter we were assured that they will defer to the original objection, not the one read into the only record of these proceedings to date.

Upon asking for a copy of what was read we were denied a copy.

Upon asking who provided that prepared statement, the legal counsel, appointed by the courts outside their authority, advised the Chairman to not answer that question.

It is very concerning that we have legal counsel advising silence instead of transparency.  We are filing a Freedom of Information Request for a copy of the prepared objection statement that was read into the record and will do our best to determine who prepared this apparent altered objection.

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1 Comment
  • Michael Hagberg
    Posted at 00:46h, 15 January

    The Objection seems to be lacking require information.

    10 ILCS 5/10-8

    The objector’s petition shall give the objector’s name and residence address, and shall state fully the nature of the objections to the certificate of nomination or nomination papers or petitions in question, and shall state the interest of the objector and shall state what relief is requested of the electoral board.

    and then there’s the question of having filed the Original plus two copies
