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October 19, 2024

Orland Park Public Library Board Still Hates the Public –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 9, 2017

Orland Park, Illinois (ECWd) –

The Orland Park Public Library Board is at it again, hating the public as much as ever. We’ve been reporting on the bad behavior of one trustee in particular, Diane Jennings, for over 3 years now and it’s not surprising to see her still behaving reprehensibly during public meetings. It may be a new year, but she’s still up to her old tricks. Jennings’ latest antics were posted to YouTube: 

Several local residents came before the Board on December 19th to deliver a petition signed by 248 people asking the trustees to please do something about computers in the library where creeps are allowed to access pornography. This has been an ongoing problem at the OPPL for many years, with incident reports showing that staffers looked the other way and allowed people to abuse public resources by engaging in sexual activity in the computer lab. The OPPL Board has steadfastly refused to clean up their library and make it safe for children and families, despite community members still coming to board meetings month after month asking for the pornography in the library to end. 

The Orland Park Public Library is the subject of the book SHUT UP!: The Bizarre War that One Public Library Waged Against the First Amendment, by Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan. It’s an interesting read because it documents the insanity of public officials refusing to admit they are wrong and instead choosing to lash out and attack the public. 

At the latest OPPL meeting, Diane Jennings ripped into a concerned mom who wondered why porn couldn’t be blocked from the computers. Her unprofessionalism is deplorable. When the public takes the time to come before a Board with a petition, the Board has a duty to hear what the public is saying. Neither Jennings nor fellow trustee Joanna Liotine Leafblad showed any respect to the petitioners. Instead, they were hostile, with Leafblad going on at one point about creeps “enjoying porn” in the Library. As if she was talking about “enjoying hot chocolate on a cold day” or “enjoying a good book by a fire.” It’s never okay for anyone to be enjoying pornography in a public building that taxpayers pay for. Both Jennings and Leafblad should know this. They should also both show more respect for the public and not continue to embarrass themselves the way that they do. 

One of the only responses given to the public was that the board made its decision “two years ago” – like there is never a possibility of a new vote and new decision after one is made. Also, the board shouted about the costs of filters, forgetting that they, two years ago, refused to take filtering software even when it was given to them for free.
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  • Doug
    Posted at 12:11h, 16 January

    As a long time user of the library I’m curious. How many porn usage complaints have there been since they reconfigured the adult computer lab? I’ve used the lab and have never seen porn being viewed. You and other complainers keep acting like its rampant, but I have yet to see it happen.

  • Dan Kleinman of SafeLibraries
    Posted at 07:40h, 10 January

    Surprising to see certain people are still there:

    1) Diane Jennings – the elected official who was filmed making gay slurs and who admitted to it to police. She also admitted to the child p0rn library coverup. Why does she still have her elected position?

    2) Klein, Thorpe, Jenkins – the law firm that defied the open government laws repeatedly and drove up library defense costs by at least a quarter million dollars yet lost repeatedly on those issues. Worse, KTJ advised the library, and all Illinois libraries it represents, not to call the police on child p0rn viewers since that might violate the child p0rn viewer’s right to privacy. What a disgusting law firm.

    3) Mary Weimar, library director – this person is directly responsible for the constructive discharge of at least one library employee who complained about working in a s3xually hostile work environment due to patrons viewing unfiltered p0rn and Mary told her don’t let the door hit you on the way out. The taxpayers are so lucky Linda Zec and others haven’t sued for s3xually harassment and constructive discharge.

    So I’m really surprised to see those people still there. Obviously there are no consequences for homophobia, ineffective assistance of counsel who also excuse child p0rn viewing, nor for library managers who defend American Library Association’s child p0rn facilitation policies at the expense of the local community and the library employees s3xually harassed as a result.

  • jannie
    Posted at 22:04h, 09 January

    I wonder how these board members are appointed and what term they are appointed for?
    It is hard to understand why people on public boards or elected public officials don’t understand that their job is to serve the public and treat the public with respect.

    • Mike
      Posted at 20:13h, 11 January

      The Orland Park Public Library Trustees consists of seven residents of the Village of Orland Park who are elected biennially by the public to six year terms.

      The Orland Park Public Library is a component unit of the Village of Orland Park.
