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March 28, 2025

Lisle CUSD 202 Backtracks On Copyright Claims –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 13, 2017


After claiming copyright on its board meeting videos, and then spending over 18 minutes of time we can never recover talking about the meeting videos and copyright, the CUSD 202 board decided to keep the copyright in place on advice of their attorney.

I filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor’s Office for a request for review of a Freedom Of Information Act violation against the Lisle CUSD 202’s assertion that they held a copyright on public records (the meeting video), and their demand that I obtain permission to use all or part of it and that I could not repost, rebroadcast, or post to social media without their permission.

Knowing a public body cannot restrict the use of public records for any reason, I filed the complaint.

Today, the AG’s PAC office informed me that Lisle CUSD 202 decided it would no longer assert any copyright claims on any public records obtained from them thru FOIA.

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  • jannie
    Posted at 16:33h, 21 January

    It’s hard to believe that a public body would think they could get away with something like that.

  • Dave
    Posted at 11:04h, 14 January

    All I can say is …. WOW! This screams we are hiding something!

  • Warren J. Le Fever
    Posted at 09:14h, 14 January

    This is simply another example why we need more interested citizens simply attending government meetings and questioning what goes on and checking out whether what a lawyer says is true or not. I, as a private citizen and as a public official have had on more than several occasions an attorney of the government body tell me and others things which were simply NOT true. Bad lawyers are the worst enemies (even worse than bad public officials of the inhabitants of the tax district the government body controls because eventually it costs the residents their resources and rights one way or another. Thank you Watchdogs for taking care of this problem and showing the world its nature.
