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October 19, 2024

Clark Co. Park District Votes Against Accepting Resignation –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 19, 2017


As I alluded to in the previous article on the most recent resignation of Charity Murphy, the director of the park district, we believe this to be simply another temper tantrum in order to get a pay raise, more free stuff, or to generally run rough-shod over the Park Commissioners.

After a lengthy executive session, the commissioners voted 5-2 against accepting her resignation.

What does this mean?

  • First, the resignation does not have to be accepted to be valid, so technically she has still resigned with an end date of March 31, and,
  • Second, she can simply refuse to work after March 31 (the end date on her resignation), or,
  • Third, the board can bend the taxpayers over again and give her more money to keep “working”, or,
  • Fourth, bend the taxpayers over again and give her a 4 year contract if they think they will lose majority in the April election – just for spite

edited: Of course they could always simply terminate her employment…

“The Vote”:

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  • jannie
    Posted at 16:03h, 21 January

    This park district like the one I’m familiar with is very similar. They have their own agenda watch out if you get in the way.

  • John L.
    Posted at 22:36h, 19 January

    I thought if someone submitted a resignation it meant that person no longer wanted to work for their employer…??? Why did a vote have to be taken to accept or reject the resignation?? Were their stipulations in the resignation that would somehow incur debt to the district? Maybe the watchdogs should FOIA the resignation to find out…

    • Concerned
      Posted at 22:55h, 19 January

      It appears she is under contract. To nullify the contract, the resignation has to be accepted by the board. When you’re under contract you can’t just quit whenever you like. There might be provisions in the contact that state 60 days notice, etc. Without having the contract to study there’s no way to tell what’s on it.

      • jmkraft
        Posted at 07:48h, 20 January

        She never signed her last contract, so no provision for any notice.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 07:47h, 20 January

      JOhn L: That’s what most resignations are based on “they no longer want to work for that employer”, but recent history shows us this particular employee and this particular employer use other motives to obtain pay raises, contract extensions, etc…
