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March 28, 2025

Village of Chatham Clerk Pat Schad – hypocrisy defined

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 29, 2016

Sangamon Co. (ECWd) –

In yet another example of why Village of Chatham Clerk Pat Schad must resign, we need only look at his mission statement and responsibilities listed on the Village website

“MISSION STATEMENT Promote open and responsive government through proper recording of village business and the preservation of village documents. Conduct fair and impartial nonpartisan municipal elections.”

If his mission is to promote open and responsive government through proper recording of village business, we can only wonder why there was no recording of the Mayor’s ethics hearing?

If his mission is to Conduct fair and impartial municipal elections, we must also point out that fair and impartial elections can not take place when he fails to follow the election laws he is bound by.


“The clerk writes the agenda for regular and special village board meetings.”
During the last meeting, an action item on the agenda was misspelled and named a different subdivision than the one for the actual action.  Trustee Clayton caught the mistake and asked for legal advice.   That can be watched at the 49:34 mark of the video below.  It should be noted that Clerk Schad provides un-asked for input claiming it was just a spelling error and it’s OK to move forward.  Cardinal Ridge vs. Cardinal Hill.  Spelling error?  I think not Clerk Schad.  For a person responsible for writing the agenda you would think he could figure out this is more than just a spelling error.
The lawyer advised the tabling of the matter and act on it when it is corrected on a future agenda because there was, in fact, another subdivision by the name on the agenda used at that meeting.
Some may say this is nitpicking but let me explain why such a mistake must be tabled and not acted on as suggested by Clerk Schad.
The citizens depend on the agenda’s information and make decisions regarding their need to come to a meeting.  If they lived in Cardinal Ridge and saw an action item for Cardinal Hill, they may assume there is no need to go to the meeting because they don’t live in Cardinal Hill.   There are numerous AG opinions on agendas that explain their importance and purpose and rest assured, using a different name on the agenda is not a spelling error.
Once again we ask that Clerk Schad immediately resigns for his failure to perform his duties as outlined on his own bio.
And if you don’t think this is enough to justify for the calling of his resignation, stay tuned for yet more exposure of election law violations pertaining to altered documents in the possession of Clerk Schad.


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