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March 28, 2025

South Sangamon Water Commission facing criminal investigation

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 31, 2016

Sangamon, Co. (ECWd) –

A letter from the US Environmental Protection Agency dated December 22nd, 2016 has confirmed that a complaint against the South Sangamon Water Commission has been forwarded to the US EPA Criminal Investigation Division, Region 5, in Chicago, IL.  We will post a copy of the letter shortly.

The original complaint was filed by Jewel Brant, a citizen of Chatham who has been instrumental in exposing the Village of Chatham and the SSWC as it relates to potential Bond Fraud and other numerous malfeasances by both public bodies.  Many of those problems are tied directly to the operations of the SSWC and their delivery of corrosive water to the citizens of Chatham and New Berlin.

We will update as more information is discovered.

[gview file=”– USEPA-Response2.pdf”]

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  • Laura Churchill
    Posted at 18:11h, 01 January

    Mr. Andersen I don’t know where you get that information from, but it is a step forward at finally getting answers for us!

  • Arthur Andersen
    Posted at 18:09h, 31 December

    The headline above is biased and misleading. Any citizen can write a “whistleblower” letter to a Federal (or State) agency and by law or Agency policy, the complaint is automatically referred to an investigative division or office if one exists without regard to the merits of the complaint.
    When subpoenas start flying and folks get whistled in for a fireside chat with the Feds, that is “facing a Federal Investigation.”

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 18:20h, 31 December

      Arthur, under most circumstances your thought process would be correct, however in this case you are wrong.

      The original complaint went to the EPA who forwarded it to the OIG, Office of Program Evaluation (OPE) for a review.

      Clearly those agencies found merit in the complaint and information provided led their agency to determine this needed investigated criminally.

      Their consideration of the evidence led them to turn it over to the criminal investigation division, not a whistleblower letter.

      Add this to the SEC investigation going on and maybe, just maybe someone will be held accountable.
