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March 11, 2025

BGA: Illinois FOIA Appeals Linger With No End In Sight

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 20, 2016


The Better Government Association (BGA) wrote an article spotlighting the Freedom Of Information Act and the Attorney General’s role in assuring compliance with the act.

One issue they highlight is our difficulty in obtaining information from the Illinois State Police in reference to the two Edgar County Corrections Officers who were tried and convicted of having sex with inmates.

BGA Article:  Illinois FOIA Appeals Linger With No End In Sight




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  • Sandy Gray
    Posted at 06:26h, 24 November

    It seems out state has no regard for the safety and well being of it residents. What of an officer was felon, murderer who prayed on women or defenseless people, arsonist, use their jobs on the road to rape and maybe kill the people they stop for a “traffic stop”.They could go from county to county or across state lines do whatever they do. We must have this access to records in order to keep us safe by being able to track activities of officers or government officials. Bet they’d be right on it if it were one their family members or something happened in their county or district.

  • Warren J. Le Fever
    Posted at 09:39h, 22 November

    And you wonder why this state has so much corruption….
