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February 23, 2025

LaSalle County State’s Attorney Brian Towne ignores questions from Legislator

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On October 19, 2016

LaSalle Co. (ECWd) –

Most State’s Attorneys would answer questions from a sitting State Representative, especially regarding matters of their office.  Not the case with Brian Towne, LaSalle County State’s Attorney.

State Representative Dwight Kay sent a letter to Towne July 29th, 2016 and according to Representative Kay, Towne has ignored his letter.

Specifically, Representative Kay asked the following:

“Kindly advise if Mr. Jauch is, or has been, an FBI agent. If Mr. Jauch is an FBI agent, kindly advise the FBI Office he reports to for his routine job assignments.”

Jauch is the commander of the illegal SAFE unit that was established by Towne and shut down by the courts.  A video we published in our July 26th, 2016, article where Officer Jauch calls himself an FBI Agent, which he is not, apparently garnered the attention of Representative Kay and others, to include the FBI.

While Kay’s letter was ignored, we have been advised that additional information pertaining to Officer Jauch was obtained by the FBI during a recent local visit with a citizen.

Pile this on top of Towne’s apparent use of public money towards his campaign, which the State Board of Elections have said crossed the line and should be handled through criminal prosecution (See Transcript here), I would say he might want to get a good attorney as things are not looking good.

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  • anon
    Posted at 19:11h, 19 October

    It works Now….THANKS!

  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 18:28h, 19 October

    Link fixed! Sorry about that and thanks for the heads up.

  • anon
    Posted at 18:24h, 19 October

    Is there a good link to the transcript mentioned in this article?

    The one in the article simply brings me to the front page of ECW and I cant seem to find anything about the ISBE transcript there.
