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March 28, 2025

Brocton Demolishes Old Buildings –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 30, 2016


The Village of Brocton obtained an approval to demolish dilapidated pieces of property, 102 and 103 E. 3d Street,  within its corporate limits.

The purpose was to tear a couple buildings down due to becoming safety hazards and eyesores in the past few years.

We were asked to look into whether or not the proper permits were obtained for the tear-down, and it appears the village and its contractors do have the proper permits. The village obtained the proper asbestos inspection, and the village obtained approval from the Edgar County Tax Agent. These can be seen below (contractor’s permit will be uploaded tomorrow after I receive them).

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  • jmkraft
    Posted at 14:26h, 01 October

    Brocton Resident: Did you mean this form…that was already submitted…?

    You probably never called the IEPA…

    Who’s the lowlife now?

  • Jeff
    Posted at 10:46h, 01 October

    Did they not need some form a lead disposal, contamination or containment paperwork?

  • Brocton Resident
    Posted at 10:02h, 01 October

    So another good example of Watch dogs not doing their home work. You would have saw they need to file a EPA STATE OF ILLINOIS DEMOLITION/RENOVATION/ASBESTOS PROJECT NOTIFICATION FORM

    Which has already been confirm with ILEPA has not been done. Will cost the village another $150 for late filing of form.

    I guess Watch dogs like the low life Dennis Cary because they only got his side of the story.. Great reporting if you would dig into Dennis you would find he sold village property to his son with no bids. Also there was no bids for this work that was done with public knowledge.. So why are you not digging into this low life actions? because he pays you to not?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 10:26h, 01 October

      If you would bother to read and comprehend what we wrote, it specifically says we will post the “contractor’s permit” (meaning the permit the contractor obtained) when we receive it. Which should be today.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 10:40h, 01 October

      re: Brocton Resident – please provide any information you have on the sale of city property to his son with no bid. I think you are mistaken, but invite you to prove your statement. Also, please provide any proof he is paying us, especially since that would violate law, I also invite you to report it to the Sheriff for investigation.

  • Brocton Resident
    Posted at 09:45h, 01 October

    why not post the last comment?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 10:22h, 01 October

      what last comment

  • Sheila Brothers
    Posted at 08:50h, 01 October

    The Brocton Bank building has a plaque from the US Geology Society that records the elevation. Has the town reported to the USGS that they are tearing down the building and the survey marking will be gone?

  • G.Barraclough
    Posted at 06:28h, 01 October


    The young man in the video was not wearing a hard hat and other required safety equipment for a demolition site. Surprised the OSHA SWAT team didn’t show up with guns drawn and evacuate the town.

    How can an odd number and even number address be adjacent and on the same side of the street? Maybe it is an anomaly or vagary or history, the explanation of which is lost in time.
