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March 28, 2025

Auditor General Report on College of DuPage Released – WOW!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On September 28, 2016

DuPage Co. (ECWd)-

The Auditor General has posted the Performance Audit performed at the College of DuPage that followed the actions taken by the new board in order to identify the failings of past President Robert Brueder and his Administration.

We will review the information and follow up with multiple articles in the near future but rest assured, a quick review validates what we have been pointing out for over two years.

You can review it below or download it.




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  • Chris Robling
    Posted at 10:02h, 03 October

    Of course the audit validates what Kathy Hamilton reported. That’s why Bob Breuder and Erin Birt blocked it. They knew what it would find.

    And, that’s why the Clean Slate vowed in the 2015 campaign to vote with Kathy Hamilton to start the audit, which they did at their first full meeting in office.

    Here the final audit finally is, and it shows that Kathy Hamilton, Adam Andrzejewski and the Edgar County Watchdogs were right from the start.

    Bob Breuder, Erin Birt and their coterie of sycophants lied from the moment Hamilton raised her objections.

    Obviously, the Breuder, Glaser, Sapyta lawsuits, each of which is based on assertions disproven by the audit, should be dismissed forthwith. They waste precious taxpayer dollars now, as the Breuder regime did when it was in power, and as Birt, Joe Wozniak and Diane McGuire did in their frivolous and now dismissed January 2016 lawsuit against COD’s attorneys.

    The extent to which this cabal has exerted itself to deny reality is a classic example of devotion to a Big Lie at all costs.

    COD was in fact off the rails, at the expense of the taxpayers, and for the benefit of the insiders. Until someone said, “No,” — and was summarily punished for doing so by the status quo.

    From the first full meeting mentioned above, at which the Clean Slate vote to welcome and facilitate the audit that Birt and Breuder had sandbagged, Hamilton ran more than one and a half year’s worth of meeting in seven months to enact more than 60 specific reform measures.

    COD will forever stand for what one person with guts can do. Reform is a team effort. The Clean Slate had to vote for the audit, but first, State Representative Jeanne Ives had to request the audit from then-Auditor General Holland. State Senator Cullerton put COD on his agenda and deployed Senate staff to identify the excesses of the Breuder departure package. The Watchdogs and the Tea Party groups all played their parts, too.

    But, had Hamilton not objected to what she found — the misdeeds of Bob Breuder, Erin Birt, and COD’s administration, none of what we have seen since would have happened.

    The audit’s lesson is vigilance, courage and determination still make a difference. In Illinois, a veritable swamp of corruption, each is desperately needed. COD shows they are not airy general mandates. They are personal, adhering to EACH officeholder.

    Do we want to save Illinois? Recruit 7000 folks who will stand up and say “No.” Inspired by what Hamilton did at COD, they will serve as a lit candles to end the darkness.

    • Paul LeFort
      Posted at 16:27h, 03 October

      AMEN !!!!, Chris Robling.

  • Danni Smith
    Posted at 11:47h, 02 October

    how can a report from Mautino be trusted as to not have rec’d $$ to minimize the criminal activity at CoD?

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 06:57h, 29 September

    This report shows an absolute disregard for basic accounting practices and state procurement laws. That anyone would do this with taxpayer and student tuition dollars is beyond reprehensible.

    Who does business without contracts!!!!????? Who ran the college, a bunch of kids on the playground doing ‘pinky swears’?

    I would love to see what a real (non-state) audit would uncover. Get the kind of accountants who went through Enron to go through COD’s records . . .

    Not that long ago, the community colleges were supposed to be lumped into the same required ethics regulations as the state universities. The community colleges resisted and they do not have to follow the same ethics regulations as state university employees. I wonder who was the source of the resistance to those ethics regulations. For state employees, if they see something wrong and they do not report it, they are in big trouble. There should have been multiple COD employees reporting wrong doing.

  • Pete Marwick
    Posted at 12:30h, 28 September

    It does not appear that they were required to have competitive bids for all the items according to the report. It will be interesting how each side spins this report.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 12:34h, 28 September

      They TESTED 40 that were REQUIRED to be bid, clarified that ONE was not, thus of the 39 tested, 56% WERE NOT competitively bid. That is a violation of law.

  • Pete Marwick
    Posted at 11:59h, 28 September

    Where is all the fraud? This report proves little if anything at all.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 12:10h, 28 September

      Wow, you must not be reading the same report.

      56% of tested procurements were not done with competitive bid even though they were supposed to is a violation of law.

      Sorry, can’t spin your way out of this one. This is a scathing indictment of past practice at COD.
