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October 19, 2024

College of DuPage -Site of Breuder’s Trauma – Complaint Dismissed

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 8, 2016

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –

Once again we must start by pointing out, “you can’t make this stuff up!”

Robert Breuder, former College of DuPage President who had been the center of numerous scandals that rocked COD since the fall of 2014,  filed a formal complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights citing discrimination based on his disabilities.

In the complaint, he alleged COD failed to accommodate him on August 3, 2015, because of his disabilities when it revoked his respite and renewal leave. Although the documents we obtained from the Illinois Department of Human Rights do not list what those disabilities are, we do see that he cites the cause of them.

“Complainant stated that he was diagnosed with   (REDACTED)  in March 2015, brought on by the hostile actions of Respondent’s board of trustees.”

If that is the case then Breuder is attributing his medical disabilities to the past Board of Trustees under the leadership, if you can call it that, of Erin Birt. How interesting is that?

The documents reflect that his “condition is not minor and is not a permanent condition; however, the condition may be reactivated if Complainant returns to the site of the trauma.”

The site of the Trauma?

Yes, he is claiming that returning to the site of the trauma may reactivate his condition.  That being the case, we are pleased to see that Breuder’s medical disabilities will not be reactivated as there is no need or purpose for him to step foot back on the COD campus!  We are also pleased to see that he no longer suffers from those disabilities as pointed out by his claim of how they would be “reactivated” ?  Reactivation is an indication that it no longer is a disability, which means he is better now.

We are just as pleased to see that the IDHR has dismissed the complaint based on lack of substantial evidence.

As we understand this Administrative ruling, Breuder is afforded the chance to appeal this decision, however, considering he provided no response to the COD response to his allegations, we suspect this pathway of milking the taxpayers for more will come to a close.

It was interesting to see his actual complaint, which is filled with the typical games Breuder thought he was good at playing. Only tell enough to get what you want, not to represent the truth.

  • “I performed my job satisfactorily.”

I think the verdict is already back on that one.  With COD being placed on probation by the Higher Learning Commission for the SLEA scandal that proved they were unlawfully counting cadets as students, it is safe to say, NO, Mr. Breuder, you did not perform your job satisfactorily!

  • “In order to take the leave, I am required to “advise and seek the approval of the Board
    Chairman on or before April 30th preceding the Leave.”

Note the word he used, “approval”.  That means he has to have approval prior to taking the leave.

  • “On or about April 16, 2015, I advised Erin Birt, then Chairman of the College of DuPage
    Board of Trustees, about my intention to take leave. She did not deny my request.”

She did not deny your request, but she also did not approve it, because if she had you would have clearly told the IDHR that she had approved it.

  • “On or about April 29, 2015, I went on medical leave, including leave under the Family &
    Medical Leave Act, due to my disabilities”

So even after admitting the request was not denied, which clearly implies it was not approved, he takes leave anyway.  Another example of how this man does what he wants, the rule of law be damned.

  • “During the meeting, it was confirmed that my Respite Leave was available for my use during my medical leave. In fact, both women signed a calendar showing I was able to take Respite Leave as part of my medical leave.”

And of course, he once again fails to tell the whole story. “Igyarto stated that Complainant’s leave time needed to be approved by Respondent’s board of trustees and she had no authority to approve or deny his requested time off.”

  • “There are no provisions in the College or Board processes, rules, or procedures, or anything
    in my employment contract, stating that Ms. Hamilton or the College can deny me the use
    of the Respite Leave.”

And again, he is refusing to accept the fact he had no valid contract. However, for the sake of once again exposing his ignorance, we will assume he had a contract and use his own words to destroy his argument on this point.

He clearly stated in his complaint, “In order to take the leave, I am required to “advise and seek the approval of the Board Chairman on or before April 30th preceding the Leave.”  The fact you have to have leave approved before taking it would indicate to most people that taking it without such approval, which he did, is grounds for denying the leave requested.

Regardless, the IDHR  saw this complaint for what it was and dismissed it, which indicates once again his claims lack substantial evidence to be supported.  Considering this report  has been in the hands of the Trustees for some time I can only wonder why Diane McGuire has yet to leak it to the Daily Herald.  Is that because it proves she was on the wrong side of justice once again?

Only time will tell.

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  • David
    Posted at 20:36h, 09 July

    Please tell me that Dr. Robert Breuder did not really claim Human Rights Violations against the College of DuPage! This guy was pulling what – over $500,000 a year, 3 months vacation, free Hunt Club and safari vacations, comped French fine dining at the Waterleaf, free night’s stay at the Wateredge when he’s had too much to drink… Seems like COD was treating him pretty pretty good.

  • jannie
    Posted at 18:47h, 08 July

    Very interesting!
