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March 28, 2025

Metcalf Village Trustee Resigned –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 4, 2016

Metcalf, IL. (ECWd) –

The newest Trustee to the Village of Metcalf has turned in his resignation via U.S. mail.

John Morris mailed his signed resignation to the village in a letter postmarked June 1, 2016, with the statement “I hereby submit my resignation as Village Trustee effective May 31.” The letter did contain the year “2015”, however, the postmark on the envelope was 2016 and the letter can either be accepted as a scrivener’s error on the year, and accept it to meaning 2016, or they can ask him to physically correct the error on the year.

He was mentioned in a previous article we wrote where the subject of approving an already awarded grant was the heated topic of a village board meeting.

Morris was appointed to a vacancy on March 7, 2016, just prior to discussions on the grant.

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