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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage – Trustee McGuire violates board policy 5-180

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On June 12, 2016

DuPage Co. (ECWd)

In what appears to be yet another example of total disregard for the policies at College of DuPage, Trustee Diane McGuire violated yet another one, and this one should have consequences.  McGuire, the lone radical “rogue” trustee who refuses to be a part of the solution for problems facing COD, is a primary contributor of ensuring there is no board unity on anything, as she simply can’t be trusted.

McGuire has rambled for a year now about legal costs at COD, to include lying to the Higher Learning Commission by providing false information pertaining to legal bills.  A move that can’t help matters related to COD accreditation.

Is McGuire a contributor to those legal costs?

According to Board Policy 5-180, page 51, “the Board also recognizes that dissemination of privileged documents increases the risk of unauthorized disclosure and resulting waiver of attorney-client privilege, and increases legal costs for the College and taxpayers.”

To keep things in perspective, we encourage you to read Part 1, Part II, and Part III where we exposed McGuire’s recent letter to the HLC and referenced her violating board policy as it relates to attorney-client privilege.

  • (6) No Trustee is authorized to waive the attorney-client privilege on behalf of the Board. Only a majority of the Board may do so.

A simple review of the letter to HLC below reflects key parts were redacted. I have confirmed with COD legal counsel that what was redacted was attorney-client privileged information.  The letter sent to HLC was NOT redacted.  That being the case, McGuire once again violated board policy, this time by releasing attorney-client privileged information without board approval.

Ironically, Chris Robling, a former COD employee who donated all of his paychecks back to the COD Foundation and was probably the most hated person at COD by Diane McGuire, posted a comment in a recent article that we, frankly, agree totally with.

“Since this is a recurring practice of Trustee McGuire’s, of which at least three and probably six trustees are aware, might COD’s Board, which has a significant interest in upholding the confidentiality of its privileged information as fiduciaries of the residents, voters, taxpayers, students, employees, etc., be well advised to seek to enjoin Trustee McGuire from further unauthorized disclosures of privileged information through a suit in equity?

At least doing so would convey to Trustee McGuire that upholding institutional confidentiality is a responsibility of her office, not a whimsical fancy to be upheld one day and ignored the next. It would also cause her to consider facing the judge who enjoins here should she do so again, which one supposes, would cause her to respect her position and the interests of her constituents with greater fealty.”

We encourage the COD Board of Trustees to take up the advice of Chris Robling and hold McGuire’s feet to the fire in the court system, as nothing else seems to get her attention.

In addition, we felt in necessary to point out the Values of COD found in the Board policy and see how McGuire rates in that regard.

We expect the highest standard of moral character and ethical behavior.

Moral Character and ethical behavior would mean you don’t lie about the actual legal expenses and manipulate information to support a twisted agenda.  McGuire Fails when it comes to Integrity

We expect truthfulness and trustworthiness.

As has been shown numerous times, McGuire can’t be trusted because she continues to lie in her efforts to scuttle the accreditation at COD.  McGuire Fails when it comes to Honesty.

We expect courtesy and dignity in all interpersonal interactions.

When a person continues to disrupt meetings and misrepresent facts in what appears to be a burning desire for attention, it becomes evident she has no clue of the real value of interpersonal interactions.  McGuire Fails when it comes to Respect. 

We expect fulfillment of obligations and accountability

Considering she refused to do her job and attend meetings and continues to violate board policy, it is ever so clear McGuire has no clue as to what responsibility is.  McGuire Fails when it comes to Responsibility.

Diane McGuire should resign and we suggest the good people of DuPage County start an online petition calling for her resignation. Maybe after thousands of people sign it she will get the message and do everyone a favor and resign.

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