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March 28, 2025

Watchdogs appointed to Airport Board –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 14, 2016


The City of Benton held a meeting on May 9, 2016, in which they appointed several new members to the Benton Airport Board.

This comes on the heals of several resignations and expired terms in the past couple of months.

Rocky Morris, Tommy Carter, and Chris Hammond were appointed to the City of Benton Airport Board.

Morris and Carter are Veterans who make the “Point-Man” a local Watchdog group (here) and generally concentrate their efforts in Franklin County, and in particular, the Franklin County Public Hospital District. Veterans Dennis Broy and Leonard Willis are also in “Point-Man“.

Chris Hammond is a local minister.

There is still one vacancy on the Airport Board – no word on any appointment for that position yet.

Benton had some of the same issues that the Edgar County Airport has had in the past, including board members who thought it was their own private playground and they ran the show the way they saw fit with or without approval from the governing body. The City has been in contact with IDOT Division of Aeronautics to figure out how to proceed with several issues they are currently facing.

Thumbs-up to the Mayor and City Council of Benton, Illinois for moving things in the right direction.
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