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Husband of D142 School Board Member invokes F-Bomb, Obama, Cocaine, and Gay Sex during public comment melt-down –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 18, 2016

Oak Forest, IL. (ECWd) –

Explosive footage from last night’s D142 elementary school board meeting shows Troy Agler, husband of board member Roxana Agler, launching into a deranged tirade that veered across all sorts of disturbing topics. This was a meeting attended by small children, where Agler chose to use extreme profanity and graphic sexual imagery. At no time did his wife, Roxana Agler, ever appear to try to stop him. 

Watch the video (below) as Agler’s behavior speaks for itself. In documents produced responsive to FOIA requests, Roxana Agler on several occasions made note of a friendship between Troy Agler and Deputy Police Chief Timothy Kristen in Oak Forest. Agler has repeatedly tried to throw her weight around as a school board member and encourage Kristen to target people that Agler placed in her crosshairs. Troy Agler, by acting the way that he did at this board meeting, has now made himself part of this story as well. 

Parents were frightened by Troy Agler’s behavior in public in the same way that parents reported being frightened by Roxana Agler’s behavior ever since she became a board member in May of 2015. This was an elementary school board meeting and Troy Agler chose to behave himself worse than we have seen just about anyone ever behave at any public meeting. And again, this was in front of small children! 

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Roxanna and Troy Agler


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  • Eric Blair
    Posted at 18:49h, 18 May

    This kind of behavior is just getting started. Don’t know specifically what his complaint(s) are but he is clearly angry. Had to laugh at Megan Fox’s sign-out statement where she says people have a right to voice their displeasure at government officials. The thing is government officials ignore “the People” no matter the complaint. Don’t think government officials have any idea of the anger out here. They tell us to shut up and accept the six figure pensions handed out like candy to stupid idiots (their colleagues) who couldn’t think their way out of a paper bag. The corruption never ends and few are ever charged. Story the other day says someone worked one day and upped his pension 40K/yr and there’s nothing “they” can do. But “the People” are just supposed to shut up and pay. This crap was supposed to end twenty years ago but on it goes, no end in sight. If these public officials think they’ll get away much longer treating us like garbage there will be war, violent war. We’ve been nice long enough and it ain’t workin’. Elected officials don’t even have town hall meetings anymore for fear of the working class. They are rarely seen in public either due to fear of the electorate. It’s gonna take only one little “spark” to lite this situation off. Then it’s going to be pitchforks and baseball bats (being diplomatic here). Public officials have painted a big target on their backs and they don’t seem to have a clue. ‘The People’ are ANGRY.

  • Frank
    Posted at 17:45h, 18 May

    It appears Mr. Agler forgot to take his Pink, Purple and Blue pills the day of the meeting.

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln

  • Mitch
    Posted at 15:48h, 18 May

    Dude’s a jerk. However, the video has been edited in order to present his comments out of context. DuJan has repeatedly written about Obama being gay and going on cocaine benders. This guy is telling everyone that DuJan is the dope repeating those rumors. The video was altered to remove that part.

    • BeeLady
      Posted at 20:34h, 18 May

      Everybody knows obama took cocaine. He said so in his books. He did that. And ive read hillbuzz and i aint never seen kevin say the phrase “gay sex” anywheres. He said kal pen was a favorite boy toy of the prez and that he seems awfully chummy with his last body man reggie love who erebody knows is gay. But he aint never said no such vulgar stuff ever. Thats a lie

      • lawyerlyone
        Posted at 20:41h, 18 May

        Let’s say that Mitch is right and DeJan wrote that in a column somewhere. I would assume that column was meant for adults and that he never shouted it in a room full of children while using the F word. People write a lot of things that aren’t appropriate for a school board meeting, Mitch. Is it ok to get up and complain about the author of “Go the F**k to Sleep” and scream obscenities at a school board meeting? Your argument makes zero sense. Not the time, not the place. This man is a fool.

      • Mitch
        Posted at 22:00h, 19 May

        I posted the links to DuJan’s rants on these topics yesterday. The mods are too afraid to allow the post.

        • jmkraft
          Posted at 09:07h, 20 May

          We deleted them because the article is about the words Agler used during the meeting with children present, not about the actual truthfulness of what he said, or even how he said it – it was about the words used in the presence of the audience.

          • Mitch
            Posted at 15:36h, 20 May

            So you admit the quotes are out of context and DuJan wrote the articles the man is referencing.

          • jmkraft
            Posted at 17:42h, 20 May

            Um, no. I am not admitting to anything, because the article was about the language used by the individual that used it in the presence of children at an elementary school board meeting.

          • Mitch
            Posted at 15:52h, 20 May

            The headline is about the man ranting about Obama on cocaine and gay sex.

          • jmkraft
            Posted at 17:43h, 20 May

            The headline is about the husband of a school board member who spewed out language inappropriate for young children to hear.

          • Mitch
            Posted at 23:20h, 20 May

            Why did you post a false headline on the story then?

          • jmkraft
            Posted at 04:02h, 21 May

            I didn’t post any false headline. He said the f-bomb, Obama, cocaine, and gay sex – all during his public comment time. He is the husband of a school board member. Headline is accurate.

  • Bulldogmom
    Posted at 15:06h, 18 May

    I want to know why Oak Forsst police won’t do anything. But they took Roxie’s report about a dog talking about her. That Chief Kristen is corrupt. He lets his friend Troy swear in front of children and scare women and he says Troy is just letting off steam. What gives? You need to investigate that crooked police department in Oak Forst. Did Troy agler give a campaign contribution or something so The police look the other way?

  • Another Watchdog Watcher
    Posted at 15:04h, 18 May

    Nice editing….

  • jannie
    Posted at 11:09h, 18 May

    I thought people were suppose to act civil at Board meetings and at Public meetings.

  • Sandy Gray
    Posted at 09:51h, 18 May

    His he drunk or on drugs? Behavior unacceptable with children and women present. Order of Protection against him.?
