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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage – Mission Accomplished!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On April 5, 2016

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –

We first raised the flag of the College of DuPage destroying records in violation of the Local Records Act in this article.

We have confirmed that the college has destroyed all e-mails older than 4-30-2014 as well as other documents.

Mission Accomplished!

Accomplished because now, short of an independent forensic recovery of the data, critical e-mails relevant to many of the illegal acts that took place dating back to at least 2010, are no longer available.

Obstruction of Justice is what most legal minds call it while the common citizen sees it as a cover up. The question is, what will be done about these actions by the authorities?

Will anyone ever be held accountable? 

Accountability appears to be the future Presidents issue to address as it’s clear the current Interim President sees nothing wrong.

I contacted COD last week with the following questions pertaining to the record destructions taking place in secret as was evident from their concealment of certain destruction approvals in my past FOIA request.

  1. Does the College have any training requirements for Senior Administrators regarding the Local Records Act and proper record destruction practices outlined by the Secretary of State’s office?
  2. If such training requirements are in place has either Chuck Currier or Lynn Sypata complied with the training?
  3. If no training requirement is in place does COD intend on establishing mandated training pertaining to Records Management and destruction in accordance with the Local Records Act?
  4. The Local Records Commission records reflect 54 separate requests for the destruction of e-mails campus-wide.  Mr. Currier’s communication with Dr. Breuder in May of 2014 indicates the archive/purge operation they put in place is up to date.  Can you confirm that the campus e-mail destruction has taken place as outlined in the Records Destruction Certificates issued by the Local Records Commission?
  5. In September of 2014, I issued an FOIA request pertaining to any records destruction policy.  I was provided the file number 81-286 Application for Authority to Dispose of Local Records.  I now find that an addition application for Authority to Dispose of Local Records was issued that supersedes the previous one in part. That application was #12-157 and was not provided in my FOIA.  Who is responsible for that information being withheld under my September 2014 FOIA request?
  6. Have any Senior Administrators notified the State’s Records Center (Local Records Commission) for records designated as under a legal and/or audit hold in the past 4 years?   If not, why not. 

To date, COD has not issued a response to any of the above six questions.  We had to independently confirm the actual destruction was carried out.

We will update this situation when more rocks are overturned.

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  • Vic
    Posted at 18:42h, 05 April

    Profanity removed – try again

  • G. Barraclough
    Posted at 12:03h, 05 April

    Does anyone see the Hand of Breuder still at the tiller?

  • Jeanne
    Posted at 11:56h, 05 April

    You didn’t accomplish nothing. So what?

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 12:05h, 05 April

      Jeanne, Read the article before commenting. It helps to understand we took no credit for accomplishing anything. COD accomplished their mission, which was record destruction.

      However, stay tuned for an update that will disprove your comment 🙂

    • Dave
      Posted at 20:23h, 05 April

      From Rules for Radicals – Saul Alinsky, Communist

      Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage. That is unless your opponent knows rule #5 in which case your wasting your time.

      Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. (Hey watchdogs, that’s you…LOL) Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

      According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”

    • Danni Smith
      Posted at 00:05h, 06 April

      Jeanne must be living in the basement with wozniak and his mom and dad. What you have accomplished is a template for all local bodies-be aware, be very aware-your thievery will be caught-our eyes, ears are open and our purses are snapping shut. The only thing we are HAPPY to pay for is your orange jumpsuit and spam on a bun, 3x daily.
