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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage elects new Board Chairman –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 21, 2016

College of DuPage (ECWd) –

At its meeting tonight, the College of DuPage Board of Trustees elected its officers for the upcoming year.

Board Officers voted in for the 2016-2017 board year are as follows:

  • Chairman is Trustee Mazzochi
  • Vice-Chair is Trustee Olsen
  • Board Secretary is Trustee Napolitano

Luzelena Escamilla was sworn in tonight as the new Student Trustee.

Of course, the vote was 4-2 with the Breuder-Board hold-over Trustees McGuire and Wozniak voting “present” and Trustee Birt absent from the meeting. Wozniak voted “No” on vice-chairman, while McGuire voted “present”.

This promises to be an exciting new Board year for the Trustee of COD.

With an election coming up in early 2017, with McGuire and Birt’s terms expiring, it promises to be an exciting, rebellious, troubled year.

It is clearly evident that the Breuder three have no intention of “working across the isle” or “compromising” – unless the isle and compromise move to their views instead of the views of the majority. This only makes accreditation more difficult and makes students and parent more weary of attending COD in this time of conflict.

The search for and vote to hire, a new college president will surely be contentious, even though the minority trustee have refused to participate, claim they were not consulted even though they were invited several times to participate, and have more or less stated they will not vote for any of the final three candidates.

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  • David Hirsch
    Posted at 22:01h, 21 April

    Never understood why Omar Escamilla voted for the Kathy Hamilton censure. He was only a kid so maybe he was just going along with the Breuder Board.

  • Jerry
    Posted at 20:16h, 21 April

    is the new trustee Escamilla related to the last to last student trustee, Omar Escamilla?

    • Bob Hazard
      Posted at 20:23h, 21 April

      Is David Olsen related to Merle Olsen?

      • Welshgirl
        Posted at 14:46h, 25 April

        … and Dianne McGuire to Butch McGuire perhaps?
